Dad's Or Dud's
Contributed by Richard White on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We have this choice, we can be DAD’s or we can be DUD’s the next generation is depending on us.
Anyone can be a Father; it takes someone special to be a Dad
There are 3 components to being a DAD
The First Component is
1. Duet 6: 1-9
2. Prov 3:1-12
The second component is
Ps. 103:7-16
1. No Absenteeism Parenting
2. No Couch potato “Daddying”
3. ACOA does not always involve alcohol
The 3rd Component is
1. Eph 6:4
2. Heb 12: 4-12
To be a “DAD” it takes D_____________, A____________, D_________________
To be a DUD we are D_______________ U_____________ D_________________
Some examples of DUD’s are
They are great men of history, great leaders of the nation of Israel, but as Dad’s they are DUD’s.
Some examples of DAD’s are;
These men may not have been great leaders but they raised their families in the Lord and the result is seen in their children.
Is it any stretch of the imagination to see that those children who excelled in school and were so honored at their graduation were children of those from this congregation? Not only is that a testimony to their parents, but to their grandparents as well.
I remember during the Olympic games in Barcelona. It was a track event. A young man from the US was in this event. He had broken from the pack early in this long race, his parents we there to see him run. I don’t remember all the events of this story except this. Just near the finish line the young man felt a terrible pain in his leg, he had ruptured a tendon in his lower leg and fell to the ground. The crowd gasped and awed as he screamed in pain, trying to get up and continue the race he hobbled and fell again. The other runners had now caught up and passed him. The race was over; he lay on the ground crawling trying to finish. Suddenly from the crowd a man jumped over the barriers and ran to the track. That man was this young man’s dad, as he got to his son, he picked him put his arm around him and together they finished the race. That young man may not have won any medals that day, but his dad won the gold. Be a DAD, win the gold.
Joshua 24:15 says; Choose this day whom you will serve…as for me and my house we will serve the LORD!
This next generation of sons and daughters are relying on us. Will we be DAD’s or DUD’s