
Creating a Sacred Space for God

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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An Altar symbolizes a sacred space for worship and communication between a Christian and God. Understanding its significance helps deepen our connection with the Creator.


An altar is a sacred place of worship and communication between a Christian and their Creator, God. It is a place where we can offer our praises, prayers, and seek fellowship with God. In this sermon, we will explore the significance of building an altar for God, the ingredients required for its construction, and the benefits it brings to our lives.

What is an Altar?

An altar is a designated place set apart for worshiping God. It symbolizes holiness and represents the presence of God. It is a higher place where we can offer untarnished services to God. The altar serves as a refuge and comfort from the troubles of this world. It can also be a place where we intercede for others, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

There are different types of altars:

1. Personal Altar: This is a personal means of communication and fellowship with God. It is also known as "Quiet Time." It involves setting aside a specific time to seek God's face through worship, praise, thanksgiving, and prayer.

2. Family or Home Altar: This is a place where family members gather to commune, worship, praise, and pray to God. It also requires a specific time for meeting.

3. Church Altar: The church itself serves as an altar, where Christians come together to worship and pour out their hearts to God.

Ingredients for Building an Altar

To build an altar for God, certain factors are necessary:

1. Genuine Salvation: True salvation is essential for building an altar. We must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

2. Passion and Hunger for God's Presence: We need a deep desire to experience God's presence in our lives.

3. Faith: Faith is crucial in erecting an altar. We must believe that God will meet us as we seek Him.

4. Holiness: An altar is a sacred place, so we must strive to live holy lives.

Benefits of Building an Altar

Building an altar brings numerous benefits to our lives:

1. Worship and Communication: An altar provides a dedicated space for worshiping God and communicating with Him.

2. Thanksgiving: We can offer thanks to God for His goodness and faithfulness in our lives.

3. Vows and Consecration: An altar is a place where we can make vows and consecrate ourselves to God.

4. Victorious Living: Through the altar, we can experience victory in our lives.

5. Blessings and Satisfaction: Building an altar opens the door for God's blessings and brings satisfaction to our souls.

6. Divine Intervention and Breakthrough: The altar is a place where we can seek God for divine intervention and breakthrough in our lives.


To draw closer to God and develop an intimate relationship with Him, we need to build a suitable place of worship for Him. This can be done by contributing to the construction of a church building through our resources and prayers. Additionally, we can build an altar in our hearts and homes. An altar brings us closer to God and allows His blessings to flow into our lives. Let us prioritize building an altar for God and experience the transformative power it brings.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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