Courage To Soar
Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God has already supplied us with all of the resources we need to follow Him and live a life of boldness
Courage to Soar
2 Timothy 1:7
June 3, 2001
Morning Service
The Wright Brothers
It took great courage for the Wright Brothers to soar. Why?
An Eastern bishop was accustomed to paying an annual visit to a small religious college. On one such visit, the bishop engaged in an after-dinner conversation with the college president. The religious leader offered the opinion that the millennium could not be long in coming since everything about nature had been discovered, and all possible inventions had been made. The college president disagreed, stating that he felt the next fifty years would bring amazing discoveries and inventions. In his opinion, human beings would be flying through the skies like birds within a relatively short time.
"Nonsense!" shouted the bishop. "Flight is reserved for angels!"
The bishop’s name was Wright. He had two sons -- Orville and Wilbur.
Fortunately for American aviation, the bishop’s two sons were willing to join the college president in "standing up" for their beliefs and convictions.
The Wright Brothers not only had to overcome the mechanics of flight but also the limitations placed on them by their own father.
The apostle Paul saw the same type of struggle for Timothy, his son in the faith. If we are honest, we too sometimes struggle with the courage to stand for what we believe and live for Christ.
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
Body – The Life You Are Called To Live
I. You are called to live courageously
A. The realities of life
1. Timothy was intimidated by his circumstances
a.) Timothy was facing opposition both inside and outside of the church
b.) Timothy was young and lacked experience. He desperately needed a fresh infusion of power and courage
c.) Paul realized timothy’s need
1.) The term that is translated timidity literally means cowardice. This is a fundamental and complete lack of confidence in God
2.) The reason for fear is a failure to believe that God can and will use you and empower you to do His work
2. Life can be truly intimidating
a.) Trials come, crises arise and challenges abound. It is very easy to allow the situations and circumstances of life to overwhelm you.
b.) God never intended for His people to live their lives in fear because he has already given you everything you need to live each and everyday for Him
B. Life is tough but God is tougher
1. Life can be hard
a.) Life often throws us for a loop and can cause us to lose our courage
b.) God has given us the gift and power of the Holy Spirit. It is the work of the Spirit that allows us to live courageously for God
2. The power and support of the Spirit
a.) The Spirit dwells within us to give us strength and power
b.) The Spirit cleanses us from the nature of sin
c.) The Spirit renews our mind to set us in line with Christ
d.) The Spirit guides and directs us to follow God
II. You are called to live powerfully
A. The lack of power
1. Timothy felt like he was powerless
a.) The situation in Timothy’s church seemed to be beyond his control and above his ability. In reality, it absolutely was above and beyond him
b.) Timothy could not do this work on his own. Paul is gently reminding Timothy that God seldom works in us when we do only what we can accomplish on our own.
2. God supplies the power
a.) Timothy needed to remember the resource of God’s power and strength that was already his and at his disposal
b.) Acts 1:8 - But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
c.) God works in the lives of common people to accomplish uncommon things
B. The power of God is already at your disposal
1. The illustration of the light switch
a.) How many of you like to sit in the dark to read? Not much fun and not very productive either.
b.) Usually when it gets dark we turn on the lights. It means that we have to flip the switch to access the power that is available. The same is true with God. We have to ask for power when we serve Him
2. We serve God without tapping into His power
a.) Far too often we try to do God’s work in our own strength and our own way.
b.) The power at your disposal is the same power that brought creation into being, the same power that parted the waters of the Red Sea, the same power that healed the sick and gave hope to the hopeless and the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. This is divine, supernatural, God given and life changing power. It can be your for the asking