
Summary: On the Fox news Channel, September 2, 1999, on the Hannity and Colmes television program,

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they were talking about a youth march sponsored by the Muslim religion that was to take place on the following Labor Day Week-end. The Mayor of the city had some great concerns, and did not want to grant them a permit to march, because these are some violent people.

On the program, they had a black Muslim spewing out the normal hate that you hear from these folks. Every time this young man spoke, you could see all the hate within him in his facial expressions, and in the words he spoke. The hate was so visible to everyone, that a black minister, who was also a guest, pointed it out. He told the Muslim that he was one of the many puppets in the hands of Lewis Farakan. He said all of his followers dress alike, and they all talk the same hate talk.

We can all look around and see certain things in the lives of others. And one of the things we see in the lives of many, is this same kind of hate seen on this program. We can look at the lives of some, and see love, kindness, and humility. For example-

Illus: A young minister attending Bible College heard a great deal about Dr. John R. Rice. He had never seen him, nor had he ever seen a picture of him at that time. Dr. Rice was noted for the many good books he had written, and for his firm stand in contending for the faith. When this young minister, who is now Dr. Odell Belger, heard that Dr. Rice was coming to preach within a hundred miles of where he lived, he made plans to go hear him. When he arrived at the large church, he was surprised that literally hundreds of cars filled the parking lot of the large church, perhaps as many as a thousand. As he was entering the church, a deacon recognized him as a visitor, and told him that church would be starting shortly, but in the mean time, everyone was in the large gymnasium eating supper. He invited him to go eat with them. In his haste to get there on time, and get a good seat close to the front, he had not stopped to get anything to eat, and he said, “Yes, that would be great!” He went into the large gymnasium, and there were thousands of people there, fellowshipping and eating together. He did not know anyone, so he got a plate full of food, and found himself a seat over in the corner of the gym, to eat alone. He was there only a short time, and this older gentleman and his wife came and asked if they could sit with him. He said, “Certainly!” The elderly man said, “Young man are you a preacher?” And he said, “Yes sir, I pastor a church about a hundred miles from here.” Then the elderly fellow said, “How did you know about the meeting?” He explained that he had seen an advertisement, and it was always a dream of his to hear Dr. John R. Rice preach in person, since he had heard so much about him in Bible College. They talked during the meal, and Bro. Belger excused himself, and said, “I am going to go, so I can get a good seat on the front row.” The elderly gentleman and his wife smiled, and said they enjoyed talking with him. He found a front row seat, and when it came time for the pastor to introduce John R. Rice to the congregation, the young minister was shocked to find that the older gentleman he had supper with, was none other than John R. Rice himself. Dr. Rice walked up to the podium, and with his eyes searched the front row of seats. When he saw the young minister, he pointed at him and winked at him.

On the way home, the young minister reflected on what had taken place, and was overwhelmed at the fact, that of all the thousands of people in that gymnasium that would have loved to have had supper with the great Dr. John R. Rice, he chose to go over in the corner, and have supper with a young man that was a stranger.

Dr. Belger saw a KINDNESS, LOVE and HUMILITY in that face, that you very seldom see in faces today. And decades have gone by since Dr. John R. Rice has gone to be with the Lord, but this minister will never forget the love, kindness and humility he saw in the life of this saint of God. You can look at the faces of some people and you will see hate, but you can look at the faces of others, and you will see love, kindness, and humility.

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