
Count the Cost of Discipleship

Premium Sermon
Created by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
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This sermon explores the concept of discipleship, emphasizing that while salvation is a free gift, it requires total commitment and surrender of one's life to Jesus.

Count the Cost of Discipleship

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Welcome church! How many of you here today have ever been students before? Probably most, if not all of us have been students at some point in our lives and so we have some understanding of what it takes from our time in elementary, middle, and/or high school.

Whatever type of student you were in the past, if you’re a follower of Jesus you’re called to be a student again… Well, He doesn’t say it exactly like that… Jesus calls His students disciples, and He’s constantly teaching them all about the Kingdom of God as seen throughout the gospels. So, if you’re a follower of Jesus then you’re called to be His disciple… You’re called to be a student of the savior.

But being a student of Christ, or a disciple rather, isn’t exactly like it used to be in school. With Jesus, the classroom is much bigger, the stakes are much higher, and the potential cost is much greater than you may have ever imagined. Thankfully, we still have access to much of what Jesus taught His earliest disciples through the gospels and New Testament writings. It’s these teachings, preserved through time, that we continue to learn from as we follow Christ in faith.

And today we’re going to be looking at one of the most clear cut, bold, and challenging calls to discipleship that Jesus ever gave. You may have heard it said before that salvation is free, but following Jesus will cost you everything, and that is probably a great way to summarize our text for the day.

You may have heard it said before that salvation is free, but following Jesus will cost you everything.

Main Teaching

The setting for our passage today is this; Jesus is on the move again, and “large crowds were traveling with Jesus…” He’s headed up to Jerusalem, where, as we now know, He would eventually give His very life for all mankind.

Wherever Jesus went, huge expectations of the coming Kingdom went with Him ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium

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