
Summary: Bible doctrines

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Intro: as a Pentecostal church we believe and teach in the working of the Holy Spirit. In our individual lives and within the framework of the church. I Corinthians chapter 12 gives us 9 particular ways in which the Spirit moves in the lives of believers. Over the next few weeks, I would like to discuss what these gifts are, how they function in the church and in the spirit filled believers, and how to open yourself for these manifestations to operate in your life.

Concerning Spiritual Gifts

I Corinthians 12:1-11

Before we look at these gifts or manifestations: let’s look at verses 1-6 as Paul gives some understanding about the operation of the spirit.

Verse 1—it is important for the church to have a working understanding of the important place of the Holy Spirit within the church.

Verse 3—the gifts, the manifestations, the working of the spirit is all to point toward Christ. There is a danger of a Christless Pentecost, where gifts, demonstrations or manifestations of the Spirit of God take precedence over people being drawn toward Christ. Basically, the Spirit doesn’t come to compete with Christ, but to point to Christ.

The ultimate goal in being used by the Holy Spirit is to point toward Jesus Christ, to profit others within the church, to build faith in the lives of others.

Verse 7—to profit withal—manifestations of the spirit of God are to benefit the body of Christ. This is very important—speaking in tongues in your prayer language is for personal edification, but the gift of tongues or prophecy is for the church.

These manifestations can be broken into three important groups:’

a. the speaking group--- tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy.

b. The knowing group—discerning of spirits, word of knowledge, and word of wisdom.

c. The power group—supernatural faith, gifts of healing, and working of miracles.

Before we look at these verses: one other point is given in verse 11

These all are of the same spirit—meaning this is all through the working of the Holy Spirit.

Severally as he will—not that anyone possesses a gift—they are given by the Holy Spirit as he wills..

The Speaking Gifts—verse 10 I have chosen to start with these, because these are the most known within most Pentecostal churches.

Prophecy--- this is a strong word of the Spirit to the Church. There is no tongue that precedes this word—it is in a known language.

a. it is sometimes a word of a future event—prophetic—this can be a word of something that is going to take place in the churches future, or it may be a word that will impact certain within the church.

b. It is sometimes a word of confirmation—sometimes a prophetic word is a word that confirms something to the church or members of the body that God has been dealing with them about..

c. It is sometimes correction of sin or a warning to repent—sometimes the spirit will move with a word of admonishment, to get right with God or to turn from certain sin.

d. It can also be a word of encouragement. When God moves by the Holy Spirit with a strong word to keep the faith, to hold on, or that increase or blessings are on the way.

A guide for prophecy—

It must line up with the word of God.

It generally is a word that confirms something God is already doing.

It must make sense.

A word on personal prophecies—sometimes the realm of prophecy is moved from a church setting to an individual setting. There must be guards placed on this type of setting

a. what is the credible history of this person being used in prophecy.

b. Is there tangible fruit coming forth from these services

c. Personal prophecies should never take the place of consistent spiritual growth through personal bible study and prayer, and activity within the body of Christ.

Tongues—this is not your prayer language—this is a manifestation for the church.

Some have become confused not knowing this distinction.

This is a tongue that is corporate and there must be a proper interpretation given. The guidelines are found in chapter 14 on how the gifts operate.

If someone speaks out in tongues, with on interpretation given—it will not profit the church. If someone is used in tongues, they must also be open for the spirit to flow in their lives with the interpretation.

Praying in your personal tongue should be in private or in corporate worship.

Interpretation of tongues--- this is after a message in tongues is given, the English interpretation is given so that all will understand the message from God.

The Knowing Gifts—word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits. These are generally operational in the altar services and to individuals at certain settings.

A Word of Knowledge—this is the gift of the Spirit that helps reveal through a divine way the power of God.

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Paul Mazzio

commented on Feb 1, 2010

Thank you for the message. I appreciate your sensitivity towards the use of the the gifts as well as the neccessity of them in the Body of Christ! Blessings, Pastor Paul Mazzio

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