
Summary: What was the response to those that heard the Lord’s Commission to evangelism.

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Compliance to the Commission

Date: August 31, 2003 A.M Service

Place: Allendale Baptist

Text: Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:20


At a certain Children’s hospital, a boy gained a reputation for wreaking havoc with the nurses and staff. One day a preacher who knew about the boy’s terrorizing made him a deal: “If you are good for a week, I’ll give you a dime when I come again.” A week later the preacher stood at the bed of that boy. “I’ll tell you what,” the preacher said, “I won’t ask the nurses if you behaved. You must tell me yourself. Do you deserve the dime?”

After a moment’s pause, the boy replied: “How bout you just give me a penny.”

As parents, isn’t that all we ask? That our children just obey.

I know this may be a strange illustration about obedience but my dear friend, God’s desire is for us His children to obey Him. Just to simply obey Him.

For three and a half years Jesus, the Son of God lived a perfect sinless life.

After His death burial and resurrection, He appeared to His disciples and others, individually and in small and large groups for 40 days.

The last time He appeared to his disciples He gave them, and it carries to the church today, what we know as the Great Commission.

This morning using our two passages of Scripture, I want us to see the Compliance to the Commission.

First we must understand the…

I. The Commission

A. “Go”

1. This word in the Greek is poreumai which means to go on one’s way.

2. There are several other words that have this word as its root.

3. But the implication in this verse is “as you are going.”

4. My dear friend every one of us have somewhere to go.

So here is the key while we are going…

B. “make disciples”

1. This does not say; make them Baptist, which by the way is not a bad thing; it does not say make them Jehovah’s Witnesses; or Mormons

2. It says “make disciples.”

3. Remember what a disciple is? A follower of someone.

4. So as Christians, believers, disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to make others followers of Jesus Christ.

C. “baptizing them”

1. I have said this over and over; Baptism is not a part of salvation.

2. Baptism is an outward obedience to the Lord and brings entrance into the membership of the local congregation.

3. The word again means to “dip”, “dunk” or to “immerse.”

There is the commission now lets turn to Mark 16:20 and see…

II. The Compliance

A. “They went out”

1. First notice it was “they”; not just one; not just a few but they.

2. This implies all that heard went out.

3. Second notice here they did not form a committee to study the risk or the possibilities; they just were obedient.

4. This word used here for “went out” has the same implication of the word “go.”

5. As they were going…

Next notice…

III. The Communicating

A. “and preached...”

1. This word for preached is almost always used of the good news concerning the Son of God as proclaimed in the Gospel.

2. Yes some have a special calling to be a vocational preacher, but every child of God is called to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

3. Romans 10:14-15 says; “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom the have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things.”

Next notice where they preached…

B. “everywhere”

1. This again takes us back to their compliance to the commission.

2. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”

Next let’s see…

IV. The Company

A. “the Lord working with them.”

1. Again here is the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise; “Lo I am with you even to the end of the age.”

2. I am so thankful that when the Lord sends me out, even to evangelize I do not go alone and I do not need to go in my own power and strength.

3. This guarantees the success of the church’s mission.

4. This also empowers the church to evangelize in every age

5. Someone has said; “There is no excuse, then, for failing to exercise that power in our age. No time of apostasy will ever be so great as to nullify the true gospel ministry of the Bible-preaching church.”

Last we see…

V. The Confirming

A. “confirming the word.”

1. Confirm means to “certify as true.”

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