
Summary: A small boy was sent to bed by his father....... Five minutes later.... "Da-ad...." "What?" "I'm thirsty. ......Can you bring drink of water?"

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Come Taste the living water

1. John 7: 36-42

2. John 4: 6-10

3. Psalm 36

This Sunday, the Sunday where we celebrate the gift of the Spirit to the disciples in the outward sign of tongues of flame appearing above their heads.

We remember the outward sign of the gift of the Spirit in our own lives – the water combined with God’s Word sprinkled upon us in Baptism.


A small boy was sent to bed by his father....... Five minutes later....

"Da-ad...." "What?"

"I'm thirsty. ......Can you bring drink of water?"

"No. You had your chance.... Lights out."

Five minutes later: "Da-aaaad.....""WHAT?"

"I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??"

"I told you NO!".... If you ask again, ....I'll have to spank you!!"

Five minutes later......"Daaaa-aaaad.....""WHAT!"

"When you come in to spank me, .....can you bring a drink of water?"

Water is a very familiar thing to us. Our earth is made up of 2/3rds water.

Water is one of the most important substances known to man.

A human can survive almost two months without food, but he will not survive a week without water. Without it, all life would soon cease to exist.

Man’s blood is composed of mostly water.

Over 90% of the human body is water.

Jesus said that he was a fountain of water and that whoever would drink from his fountain would never thirst.

The Feast of Tabernacles began with a holy convocation on the first day, and ended with one on the eighth day. It was on the eighth day that Jesus cried out


Pour water on the sponge and the duck. Which one soaks up the water? The sponge or the hard shelled duck?

One is open to receive the water and other has a hard shell that reflects the water away.

What are you like a sponge, or a hard duck?

The story of the quacking duck in the morning time when we where walking!

Genesis 16:1- 14

Hagar calling Beer-lahai-roi

I. Come (John 7:37)

The first step to an overflowing life is to “come thirsty.” “If anyone is thirsty let him come.”

Jesus also said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled

Why don’t people come to Jesus to drink? Because their life is so full of the things of this world that they are stuffed and don’t feel the need to come to Jesus.

Sin keeps a person from coming to Jesus. Sin keeps a person’s soul shriveled, calloused and hard. Satan, the god of this world, blinds the hearts of people and fills their life with junk food so they are so stuffed they are not hungry or thirsty for the springs of living water.

A life lacking spiritual water has a dehydrated heart. A dehydrated heart results in tempers that flare, being overcome with worry, guilt, fear, hopelessness, sleeplessness, loneliness, resentment, irritable, and insecure. These are all signs of a dehydrated heart.

II. Drink for your thirst (John 7:37)

The second step is to “Drink.” Jesus called out, “If you are thirsty, come to me! If you believe in me, come and drink!”

To drink of the living water is a choice. No one can force you to swallow water. No one can force you to drink the water of life.

Jesus is not calling people to come and accept a certain doctrine or creed or belief. Jesus said, “Come to me.” The gospel is all about knowing Jesus in a personal way. If you leave out Jesus all your beliefs end up in futility.


The story is told about an Englishman who lived in Cairo who visited an Arab Chief in Arabia.

The Englishman was treated with such kindness and royalty that he invited the Chief to visit him in Cairo, Egypt. He promised to show him the great sights of the city.

The Arab Chief made the journey with his entourage to Cairo. The Englishman arranged for the Arabs to stay in the finest Hotel in Cairo.

The next day the Englishman went to the hotel to greet his guests and show them the great sights of Cairo. He knocked on the door, but there was no response. He could hear voices in the room but no one came to the door. The door was unlocked so he opened the door and quietly slipped into the room. He found the chief and his group huddled together in the bathroom. They were turning the faucet on and off, splashing the water on each other and talking like excited children.

The Englishman said, “Friends, it is time for us to be going to see the great sights of Cairo, the pyramids, the Sphinx, the museums, etc.

The Arab Chief answered, “Sir, we’re not interested in all those sights. As you know, we come from Arabia, where water is as scarce as gold. But here you can turn on this spigot and get all the water you want. As far as we are concerned this is the greatest sight in Cairo!”

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