
Summary: Recognizing the Call of God and Choosing the Right Response

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Come Now and let Us Reason Together

Isaiah 1:18 - 20


You will find here in the text a choice -- it is a reasonable choice presented from the Lord

* the willing and obedient - eat the good of the land - though you have sinned and your sins are as scarlet - I will make them as white as wool.

*Those who refuse and rebel against My Word - You shall be devoured by the sword

That has been God’s call since the beginning of time

* In God’s Call you will always find :

- warning and welcome

- wonder and woe

Adam & Eve - Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil

Noah - Build an Ark and Survive

Abraham - Sodom and Gomorrah

Man’s Purpose is for worship and obedience to God

*we were made for fellowship and relationship

* Because He loves us - He gave us choices

Moses spoke God’s Word in Deut Ch 30:19

* God has set before us Life & Death , blessings and cursings - His will is for us to choose life

God is a calling God who calls to us

* in the secrets of adultery

* in the chains of addiction

* even in His loathing of our abomination

Many of us were in those situations when we heard His call

* we were so low in life - we could sit on a peice of paper and swing our legs

We heard His call and went from miry clay to a solid rock

God’s Call is

I. A call to Salvation

The Call of God to the sinner is simple - follow me

* forsake mother, brother, sister, father, work, friends , your life that seemed to mean so much and follow me

It takes faith

*Peter, Andrew, James, & John - left the call of the sea and their nets to answer the call of the Master

*Matthew left the call of profit to answer the call of the Prophet, Priest, and King

* Abraham left his hometown, his friends, his property, and went after a city whose builder and maker is God

The Price of the Call is Great, but the Reward of the Call is Greater still

* Every Instruction for the work you will do is already written for you in the Word of God

* Every ounce of Strength that is needed is already provided by the Spirit of God

* Every bit of Increase is already promised by the Lord Himself

You simply have to accept the Call

A. Salvation will fulfill your need for substenance

Isaiah 55:1 - "Ho, every one that thirsteth , come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money ; come ye , buy , and eat: yea come , buy wine and milk without money and without price."

Come to Christ - Come to Waters that will never run dry

* Come to eat of the Eternal Bread from Heaven

* Come and partake of the Wine of His Spirit

Do it all because the price has already been paid by the Redeemer.

B. Salvation will fulfill your need for rest

Jesus called for us in Matt. 11: 28 - "Come unto me , all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest

God’s Call is a

II. Call in the Storm

The Air Traffic Controller calls out to the airplane in the storm

The Lighthouse calls to the ship in the storm

The Weather Bureau calls out to the public in the storm

But there is only One who can call to you in the storms of Life

He is able to speak to the wind and the waves- His call will calm the storms themselves

In the Storm you will find:

* strain, sadness, and scandal

* shame , shock, and sordidness

But when you answer the call of the Master of the Storm , you will find:

* safety , satisfaction, and serenity

* shelter, solitude, and stability

-He is able to walk into the den of lions and emerge without a nibble

- He is able to walk into the fiery furnace and not even smell like smoke

- He is able to walk with you to victory around the walls of Jericho

- He is able to walk with you onto the battlefield to face the giant

- He is able to walk on the water

He is able to Master the storms

Don’t tell God about your storm, tell the storm about your God

Listen for His call in the midst of your storm


God’s Call is

III. A Call to the Sheep

John 10 : 27 "My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish."

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