
Summary: There are many ways to get into trouble with the demonic these days. Today, I want to focus on the Four demonic things that will lead you astray.

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Christians should NOT Open Demonic Doors

There are many ways to get into trouble with the demonic these days.

Today, I want to focus on the Four demonic things that will lead you astray.

1 Timothy 4:1 (KJV) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

First, I'd like to Express how important it is to understand that Many people who called himself Christians Are not Actually Christians. Just because someone says they are, doesn't mean they are.

1 John 4:1 (KJV) Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

I say this because when you are in a conversation with someone, and they identify as Christians,

we tend to give them more slack. We tend to believe them more.

It adds weight to their argument. So, be careful and try the Spirits

Secondly, just because someone says they believe in Jesus

doesn't mean they believe in the Jesus of the Bible.

There are churches that don't recognize Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Some people believe that Jesus is a created being,

which is not consistent with what our Bible teaches us.

Some people believe Jesus is angelic, just like Gabriel and other angels.

You know that this is not consistent with Scripture.

Some believe Jesus was a good man that lived on Earth.

Jesus was not an average good man.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is God.

You must be careful not to take things at simply face value.

You must be able to see where people are coming from

What their beliefs are

That’s way I usually ask someone who is sparring doctrinal differences with me, what their denomination is.

Because I want to see where they are coming from in a general sense.

There are so many people who are being led astray by groups which give themselves a label as Christian churches.

But they are actually following doctrines of devils.

1 Timothy 4:1 “that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils”

With this in mind, there are some things that we as Christians should not engage in.

The first one is a blood covenant.

Don't let anyone deceive you that a blood covenant with another person is a way to strengthen love or the best way to seal an agreement.

Many people don't know much about blood,

we just believe it as a fluid that is in the human body flowing through our veins.

Blood is much more than that.

Blood is life.

There is life in blood, and it has the mouth of its own

blood can speak!

When Cain killed Abel in, the blood of Abel spoke out from the ground to God

Genesis 4:10 (KJV) And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.

Now, I have always thought of this as an anthropomorphism and should not be taken literally.

An anthropomorphism is attributing human traits to a non-human entity.

Like, the “hand of God” – God is Spirit and has no hand, but we get the point.

The problem with this thinking is that the Bible should be taken literally.

So, whether this be a literal physical voice or the fact that blood was spilled,

and the act of spilling that blood cried out to God in an anthropomorphic way,

Either way it still speaks to God.

And that’s the point.

There is a reason why the blood of goats and bulls are being used for cleansing in the Old Testament.

It is because blood has life in it.

The life in the blood of goats and bulls will replace the sins the OT saints have committed.

But this was a temporary arraignment to meet the requirements of sinning against God

and that is why greater blood came through the blood of Jesus Christ.

As the song goes, “The Blood will never loose it’s Power!”

So, when you make a blood covenant with another person or an object, or even a god,

demons will hijack it because they need life to operate.

You may think you were making a simplistic covenant with a person,… “no harm done”

but you are also making a covenant in the presence of demons.

When the covenant is broken, the blood will speak under the influence of demons.

This has put so many people in trouble.

The problems might not start immediately.

They might start when you have forgotten about the covenant,

a teenage boy and girl fell in love when they were in high school.

They felt nothing could come between them because they were in love.

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