
Summary: “It is FINISHED”, Jesus CHRIST “PAID in FULL”, and so we give GLORY to God the Father of our LORD Jesus CHRIST, forever and ever!


1. We are SAVED from the PUNISHMENT of our SINS because of God’s UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for us! We are JUSTIFIED and MADE HOLY in the SIGHT of God through FAITH in Jesus CHRIST’S DEATH on the CROSS, the SHEDDING of His BLOOD and His RESURRECTION. Our GUILT for our SINS are TAKEN AWAY.

“It is FINISHED”, Jesus CHRIST “PAID in FULL”, and so we give GLORY to God the Father of our LORD Jesus CHRIST, forever and ever!

2. Jesus CHRIST has defeated DEATH (it is the last enemy to be DESTROYED) by His RESURRECTION. We, who BELIEVE that He was RAISED from the DEAD, shall have ETERNAL LIFE. Now that we have ETERNAL LIFE, we ought not to FEAR, WORRY and DOUBT for TODAY or TOMORROW, and no more REGRET about our WASTED money, time or effort in the PAST. “God is at WORK for our OWN BENEFIT.”

3. The ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT is ACTIVE for us who BELIEVE in the GOOD NEWS of Jesus CHRIST (He DIED and ROSE from the GRAVE, “He is Alive!”). The Holy Spirit will TEACH ALL things, as HELPER and COMFORTER, for us who acknowledge His POWER, declaring, “Jesus CHRIST is Lord!”

4. Now that we belong to CHRIST, we have the RIGHT to become CHILDREN of God and HEIRS, “the Seed”, according to His PROMISES. Since we have been SAVED from this CHAOTIC world (DEAD, USELESS, WASTED and HARSH LIFE that we INHERITED from Adam), we will begin to EXPERIENCE an ABUNDANT QUALITY of LIFE, if we BELIEVE.

5. We are TRANSFORMED unto CHRIST-LIKENESS, the FRUITS of the HOLY SPIRIT will yield in us. Since we are SAVED from the CAPTIVITY of Satan, the Devil, we will no longer live in DARKNESS and we will be FREE from the POWER of SIN. We will live a VICTORIOUS life and have the ABILITY to do ALL THINGS through CHRIST.

6. The KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH will teach us to OBEY and to FULFILL ALL the REQUIREMENTS of God’s LAW, it is summed as, “LOVE your neighbor as yourself.” In addition, LOVE results to GOOD WORKS, GENEROSITY and SERVING OTHERS. LOVE for others, even our ENEMIES, is the evidence of our FAITH. For FAITH without WORKS is DEAD, thus, our SALVATION turns out to be USELESS.

7. We are having COMMUNION in remembrance of Jesus CHRIST’S suffering for the PUNISHMENT of our SINS. Our COMMUNION (Fellowship and sharing of testimony or Blessing) is a PUBLIC declaration of our REPENTANCE from our SINS. This is the TESTIMONY that we RECEIVED the FRUIT of our SALVATION. Thus, having a FRUITFUL SERVICE for our LORD Jesus CHRIST for ALL ETERNITY.

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