Christian Cosmtology
Contributed by Tim Byrd on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Many have claim the name of Christ are putting on the cosmetics of Christianity
Date: April 7, 2002 AM
Place: Allendale Baptist
Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
I have said several times “I really wish I could be one of those “Juicy Fruit” preachers, that all they do is teach, give great expositions on the Word of God and send everyone home feeling good with the warm fuzzies.” I have to be myself not someone else. Yes sometimes, I do use other preacher’s outlines, but I always use it as a study guide, to be lead only through God’s Holy Word, by His Holy Spirit. Two weeks ago, I began to hopefully prepare us for our time of revival at the end of April. Several things have come to my attention about our church and those around us. This is and will be my topic for the next 2 weeks. “Diet Christianity”
These are two words that just don’t fit. First Christianity, if I may define it as such, is a love relationship with the Lord and Savior, God’s only Son, Jesus Christ. Being a Christian is not a statement, it is a commitment. It is fully and freely living your life in obedience and allowing Jesus to live His life through you. Totally committed.
Here is where the oxymoron comes in. Diet means a reduction of or reduced intake of calories. There is the marketing trick used today to give us a choice in products and they try to tell us these products taste like the original. Diet Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, and Diet Blue Bell. I am sorry to say they don’t quite take the same. These products may be better for you, but they can’t be compared to the real thing. Some just taste watered down. Some of us may use these products due to health reasons.
I am sorry to say, I believe we have taken this into our lifestyles. You may be a Christian on a diet, but you can’t diet or water down Christianity.
Today I want us to look at a different phase, what I’m calling Christian Cosmetology.
The verb “cosmeticize” means, “to make something unpleasant or ugly seem superficially attractive.” We live in a society today where looks and image are everything. The soft drink Sprite has a slogan, “Image is Everything”. Beer companies’ commercials portray those that drink their products as glamorous with a party lifestyle. They fail to show us the true side, addiction, divorce, death. Our nation is caught up with image. So we must put on, put on a show.
Let me say this and I’ll close my introduction. A CHRISTIAN SHOULD NOT PUT ON A SHOW!!!
In 1 Corinthians, Paul addresses the issue of Christian cosmetology.
Paul wants us to understand the Christian life is about one important aspect “Love”. Paul wants us to realize that without love, God doesn’t care what we do for Him. Love is the only genuine article when it comes to being a Christian.
Turn to 1 John 4:7-11
Today I want to show you 3 facts about love.
I. The Conception of Love
A. God is the essence of love.
1. If you take a lemon and place it in a glass of water, water having no taste, will taste like lemon.
2. Love is the essence of God.
3. God is love
4. God so loved the world.
B. Love is inherent in all God is and does.
C. Everything I do for my children is out of the love I have for them.
D. So it is with God.
II. The Consumption of Love
A. In a true love relationship, you will be consumed by the object of love.
B. Read v 10-11
C. These verses tell us Jesus is our propitiation the substitute for our sin debt.
D. v11 tell us that God’s love in us will be manifested in our lives and shown to others.
III. The Completion of Love
A. A completion of our love in this, obedience.
B. John 14:15, Jesus said, “If you love me you will keep my commands.”
C. The Bible tells us the greatest sign of a Christian is love. “They will know them by their love.”
Back in the late 70’s early 80’s one of the most popular Country songs was “Looking for love”. Looking for love in all the wrong places.
You can’t put on love. You may be able to disguise other things in your life, but not love.
Have you received God’s love? God loves you and gave His only Son for you. Receive that love today.
Are you exemplifying His love in your life?