Christ In Our Behaviour Series
Contributed by Ionatan Moldovan Sr. on Jul 23, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: This is part of a series about Christ in the center of our life. Sorry if my English is not perfect.
Luke 10:25-36
INTRO: In order to change our behaviour, Christ has to change our THINKING! Everything starts with a thought. The greek word METANOIA, renewal of our mind, to repent ourself from our sins, not only to be sorry emotionaly – but the change of our inner been.
TRANSITION: The key to a Christ centered behaviour is our ATTITUDE.
Our Lord’s attitude was never defensive, discouraged or depressed because His purpose was to please the Father rather than to fulfill His personal agenda.
• In the midst of the trials He had patience
• In the midst of the suffering He had hope
• In the midst of the blessings He was humble
• Even when He had to face mockery, abuse and trials he didn’t threatened anyone but committed Himself to Him that judges righteously! (1 Peter 2:23)
Christ attitude in our life is reflected in our interest in the need of the people that surround us (Philippians 2:3-4).
Illustration: An old man was standing on a crowded bus. A young man standing next to him asked, "What time is it?" The old man said nothing.
As the young man walked away, the old man's friend asked, "Why were you so rude to the young man?"
The old man answered, "If I had given him the time of day, he’d want to know where I am going. Then we might talk about our interests. If we did that he might invite himself to my house for dinner. If he came to my house, he would meet my lovely daughter. If he met her, they would both fall in love and frankly, I don’t want my daughter marrying someone who can’t afford a watch." J
Let’s take a look in our text from Luke 10.
1. THE ATTITUDE\ BEHAVIOUR OF THE THIEVES – they saw the man as a target
• The kind of attitude : What’s yours is also mine and I can take it from you
Their behavior was led by an attitude of GREED.
Today, in our society we can live with the same attitude. What’s in for me? If I have nothing to gain from this I’m not getting involved. Sometimes we would like to earn something on someone else work. We take advantage of different situations and different people to our benefit! We care only about ourselves. If we let this attitude dominate our life then we will be consumed by selfishness. We will end up quoting Machiavelli `the end justify the means`
2. THE ATTITUDE\ BEHAVIOUR OF THE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE – they saw the man as a problem to avoid
• The kind of attitude: What’s mine is only mine and I’ll keep it safe from you
Their behavior was led by the attitude of SELFISHNESS
They were in a hurry to get to the temple, they had a job to do! They were coming back from their job. Their family was waiting home for them. In Numbers 19:11 it is said that whomsoever will touch a dead body will be unclean for 7 days…do you realize what kind of problems they would had? They had to take a week vacation from work just to help the man who was robbed by the thieves J
Do we treat others like this religious people? Do we see people just like problems? Sometimes we close our eyes to their needs because if we would help them we had to give up to our time, money and benefit.
We like to receive but not to give! This is selfishness not Christ!
3.THE ATTITUDE \ BEHAVIOUR OF THE SAMARITAN – he saw the man as an opportunity to serve
• The kind of attitude: What’s mine is also yours and I will share it with you
He had a behavior led by the attitude of COMPASSION.
He was touched by mercy. Mercy moved him to help the man robbed by the thieves. He overpassed the religious, ethnical, political, etc., barriers. He saw the value of a human soul.
The Samaritan didn’t had the training to serve like the priest or the Levite had, and probably he couldn’t quote the Scripture about `love your neighbor like yourself but he did what was good.
Are we the same? Or we just trying to find and excuse not to serve? This Samaritan was not rich but he served with his time, his money and his donkey. The Bible says that he was willing to pay all the expenses on his road back. You see, he (like the priest or the Levite) had to go somewhere but he stopped when the first just passed by, the second one went and see what is all about…he stopped and he served out of compassion.