
Summary: Take a inventory of your Spiritual Life

Philip 3:10-21

- Want to know Maturity

Measure growth on a chart

Keep tabs on bank account

Check the garden

Watch the clock

- What about Sp Maturity? B Starts with Salvation!!!

Nothing to do with age B education - Service

Test for Sp. Maturity

1. Do I Have Growing Knowledge for the Word of God?

- 2 Tim. 3:14-15

- 1 Pet 2:2

Do you love to study and make the Word a part of your life?

Are you a part of a study group?

Have a devotional time

2. Is there a Continual Equipping for the Work of Christ

Being developed into a person that can be used to touch others for Christ

Eph 4:11-12

3. Am I Sharing the Word with Others?

Moving babies to teachers

Heb 5:12-14

Teaching helps us to study

Ability to communicate

Interaction with people

Godly concern for others needs

Not sp. Bench warmers B Give out to the Word

Don=t be the Dead Sea B Have an outlet

Knowledge brings responsibility

4. Am I Becoming Like Jesus Christ?

Rom. 8:28-29

Kids looking at their Fathers

5. Do I Bear Fruit?

- Am I a soul winner?

- Have I been used of God to reach others for Christ

- Jn 15:2

- One of the marks of adulthood is the ability to bear children

- If you are not concerned for others Sp. It is a mark of babyhood

- I need to go back to points #1-4

6. Am I Showing Fruit In My Life As A Christian?

Gal 5:22-23

Love - For Others

Joy B Not Happiness B Optimism

Peace B First with yourself B To others

Longsuffering B A Forgiving Sp.

Gentleness B Not Striving

Goodness B Growing in Grace

Faith B Confidence in God=s Word

Meekness B A proper estament of himself

ADon=t be what you Iisent just be what you is. For if you are Is where you Isent than you Isent what you Is@

Temperance B To control one self

Priority over to the things of God

7. Do I Know The Will of God for My Life?

Eph 5:17 - Unwise B Mindless B A vacant mind

How we can know gopd=s Will?

1 Saved

2. Consecrated to Christ

3. Know the Word

B If you don=t know the Bible you will never know Him

4. Know what it means to pray

5. Must exercise common sense

Think through the course we are taking

6. Follow the path of desire B Ps 37:4

8. Do I Give Offense Or Take Offence In Any Way?

2 Cor. 6:3 B Ps 119:165

- Mark of maturity not to get offended

- Mark of babies is to be crying often

Nothing was so feared by seamen in the days when ocean vessels were driven by wind & sail as the doldrums. The doldrums is a part of the ocean near the equator, abounding calms, squalls, and light, baffling winds. There the weather is hot and extremely dispiriting. The old sailing vessels when caught in the doldrums, would lie helpless for days and weeks, waiting for the wind to begin to blow. Have you been caught in spiritual doldrums where you mechanically and slavishly so through the motions of outward religious ritual, but fail lamentably to grow in grace and Christlikeness?

Brother Lawerence B Lay brother of the Carmelites

A cook lived during 1600=s

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