
Summary: Disobedience to the Word of God could seriously jeopardize your astute financial planning, business, career and destroy your peace of mind. Caveat! The churning would do good for us!

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The churning would do good!

Isaiah 30:13”therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach in a high wall, bulging out, and about to collapse, whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant..”

I have watched the best flavor come out of any kind of fruit juice and sorbet from swirling, whipping, shaking, blending and stirring! Ah! The fruits blends with sugar and gets smoothie, frothy, juicy and tasty! Okay. When you get too comfortable with sins and persist to

go the wrong way, God has to bring about some churning in your life in order to filter the dirt and get the best out of you! The churning would do good!

When God’s people, hear me out clearly, when His people: church-going, Bible-reading, tongue-speaking children of God, despise and refuse to hear His Word sent through prophets and servants of God, then the calamities would strike unannounced! Impromptu catastrophe! When the forewarnings are shunned then there would be no more warning boards! The above scripture says ‘breaking out suddenly!’ If I am stepping on your toes this morning, then I’m sorry but the truth has to be told; I agree this message may not be very palatable and not likeable; nevertheless, I got to preach it! I have watched people surrender their life, take water baptism and then plunge deeply into the most heinous of sins possible! They shun me totally and slowly plummet into the pit of sins. These are the same people who sat with me in all-night prayer, danced with me during worship and wept with me for the lost souls. Imagine. I have had enormous experience of this kind of people in my life, they have broken my heart into million pieces. I have watched highly educated, smart people collapse amidst avalanching anxiety, their confidence collapsing like soap bubble! Disobedience to the Word of God could seriously jeopardize your astute financial planning, business, career and destroy your peace of mind. Caveat! The churning would do good for us! God looks for repentance in the midst of this mess! Are you listening?

Let me tell you, as a church leader, Evangelist, Tele-evangelist, village preacher, youth leader, school teacher, writer and a blogger, I write to explain the ways of God to people. I do the same here too! At times I have watched people resist the teachings and persist in their own wicked ways and sadly when they least expect, they are struck for their disobedience.

RIGHTEOUSNESS: Romans 1:18”For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.”

Prosperity and surfeit of riches might be construed as sign of blessing; not so, a blessed life is to have JESUS as the main focal point of your life! Say Amen. I started a scrupulous cleansing of every area of my life after Jesus stepped into my heart. Jesus pointed out the crooked areas where correction was required through His Word and what others considered as “normal” God showed it as sin in my life. Submission of medical bills, LTA claim, leave applications and everything was done with utmost honesty. I closed shop on all my computers after resignation, I stopped using them, after God pointed out to me about computer piracy. I prayed for funds and started work only after I uploaded original soft wares. Glory to Jesus! Psalm 5:12”Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. “

DISHONORING SABBATH DAY: People who persistently treat Church shabbily and walk in late to church or swap work for God on Sundays would surely be punished! That which you have considered more important than God would ‘suddenly’ be taken away from you – I’m talking about your job! There are many people out there neck-deep in debts and problems because they have failed to honor God.

FAILING TO PAY TITHES: There are fat-salaried people who work 24/7, but forget God and His work, when it comes to giving offering; precisely this is the reason why the money slips out of their pockets without notice. When there are repeated thefts, accidents, illness, mental illness and demonic attack, it is time that we turn to His Word and His servants rather than the world. The Lord warns: "Ah, stubborn children," declares the LORD, "who carry out a plan, but not mine..” (Isaiah 30:1) Click HERE for more information on tithing.

HOLINESS: Friend, I do understand that you are blasted on all sides with obscenities and vulgarity; however, the challenge is to stay pure and holy for God. “Everybody is doing it” is no excuse please! The Bible says: 1 Thessalonians 4:3 “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor..” Today dating has become a license for mating but instead we got to think wisely before getting into a relationship! Are you listening? Be careful is my warning to all young people! Practice self-control! Do not plunge into an affair just because her voice is good or his hair is awesome! Grow up please. All that would perish. Are you listening? When you flout my teachings and daringly proceed to flaunt your body and give in to the cravings of the flesh, then, then – your peace and joy would vanish. Caveat!

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