
Summary: What is a 'healthy church'?


Romans 12

Rev. Todd G. Leupold, Broadalbin Baptist Church, April 10, 2011

Introduction: What is a 'healthy church'?

It is NOT defined by size, wealth, demographics or facilities.

It IS defined and determined by Character, Transformation and Sanctification!

It starts with the health of each individual, which determines the health of each family/relational unit, which in connection together determines the health of the local church.


A biblically 'Healthy Church' is characterized by three very deep, weighty and essential characteristics: (1) Holiness, (2) a Humble, Interconnected Unity, and (3) Imitation of Christ.

I.) HOLINESS (Romans 12:1-2)

A.) The Foundation For Christian Living: “by the mercies of God”

B.) The Active Attitude of Christian Living: “present . . . sacrifice . . . service . . . worship”

C.) The Disease That Destroys Health: “do not be conformed to this world”


A.) Humility (v. 3)

B.) Interconnected Unity (v. 3-8)

1.) One Body

2.) Different parts with different roles – all by grace, all essential.

3.) Functioning in Kind


That is, lives, ministers, thinks, sees and feels in harmony with the character and heart of Jesus Christ!

(text is self-explanatory; 2 primary themes)

A.) Pure, Godly Love

B.) Overcome with Good.


By His grace and through His divine Word, we have covered a lot this morning – all of it vitally important. But, simply hearing it and reading it – even thinking about it – will not make any of us biblically healthy individuals; let alone families, let alone church.

This, then, is our challenge, a challenge that similarly starts on the personal, individual level. Each one of us must: Know It, personally 'Own' It, and Live It – each and every moment!

whether or not anybody else does

whether or not you see the results you want to see or when you want to see

Always remembering Colossians 1:18

“He [Jesus] is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything.” [emphasis mine]

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