
Summary: Reconciliation!

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Can You Hear Me NOW?

2 Cor. 5:18-21

Looking at the catch phrases of many of our commercial products, we will find what the word of God stated in Ecclesiastics to be true../// there is really nothing new under the sun. Let’s look at it....a few years ago Ray Charles made Pepsi popular with "You got the right one BABY." - Well if you go to the book of 1 Samuel, we find where Samuel comes upon this little ruddy boy named David - you know the one that the daddy was ashamed of and sent out into the field - but Samuel knew that he was "THE RIGHT ONE BABY."

Coke jingle became a pop icon - "things go better with coke." Well when we read about Shadrach - Meshack - and Abindingo - and their refusal to submit to any other God - They were simply saying "THINGS GO BETTER WITH GOD!"

Mounds and Almond joy little phrase "sometimes you feel like a nut...sometimes you don’t." ’This is the description of the Church of Laodoicea in Revelation 3:14-22 - where Paul was telling them that sometimes they felt like Christians and sometimes they didn’t. Well now we have Verizon, with a phrase that has caught on like glue in a feather factory. "Can You Hear Me Now?"

Now don’t go immediately to your concordance attempting to find where this scripture is in your Bible. Stay with me for a moment and let’s just ponder upon it for a minute. Can you hear me now - think about the commercial .... it is about a little man traveling from place to place .... in an attempt to draw people to him in a conversation .... thusly causing people to be drawn in and sign up for the service that Verizon offers. But in order for anything to take place, his first effort is to insure that he is heard.

Well God has been saying "can you hear me now" since mankind came into existence. When he made man and woman and placed them in the Garden of Eden. He said "You can have anything up in here - but don’t mess with that one tree over there - can you hear me now? But evidently his reception was a little staticy because both succumbed to the offered temptation disconnecting us from our carrier.

Now God didn’t not give up on obtaining his clients back. He told Abraham he would father a son at an old age.... and he told Sarah ..... asking "can you hear me now?" but again the reception was not initially picked up and Sarah provided another lil somethin somethin for Abraham, in an attempt to make the connection work.

We have the children of Israel who apparently were in an out of service area 24/7 because no matter how God attempted to hook up with them, their connections were just faulty. When they were trapped at the Red Sea and he made a way out of no way, I imagine Him saying = Can You Hear Me Now? When they were hungry and he allowed manna to fall from heaven ’’ that was a can you hear me now. But time after time they showed that the hook up was not hooked up.... and constantly connected to other so called providers.

Then after all was said and done....when numerous disconnection notifications had gone unnoticed. He sent in his loudest shout out - Jesus -

Here he sent done his only begotten son to be born to a virgin - fathered by a man who kept this woman even though he would be disgraced by her pregnancy. Then the son of the almighty was birthed in a feeding trough - this was definitely a shout out "Can you hear me now" But few heard this initial sound check.

Then the living advertisement of God’s grace healed the sick and raised the dead. Fed the multitude. Calmed the storms. Preached the word, taught of God’s promise of total provision. Telling everyone - God loved you so much he sent me - all you got to do is believe - Can You Hear Me now?

The same question is posed to us today. Look at our country. A land of plenty but children are dying of hunger as rich corporations bilk. Look - we are now seeing vast downsizing, and businesses in upheaval .... can you hear God saying "Can you hear me now?" We have had priest molesting and abusing our children for decades - and all being swept under the rug....but now every day we hear of another arrest or another allegation and pending charge against a priest and the catholic church - oh I believe God is saying Can You Hear Me Now?

We have black communities where drugs have been pumped in killing our babies - addicting our mothers -- enslaving our brothers - but now there is an awakening of a need for awareness once the drug addictions began trickling over into the other racial societies...Can you hear me now.

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