
Summary: What happened that made millions now celebrate the "Freedom from Religion" instead of the "Freedom of Religion?

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I know that Independence Day has passed and our celebrations are over. But God has strongly placed this message on my heart concerning the spiritual condition of our nation. Can America return to God? This is God’s message to us this morning.



"Nothing Happened Today." Britain’s King George III wrote the day’s activities in his diary: "July 4, 1776--Nothing happened today."

Nothing happened? America was born that day, King George. America’s birth marked an era in history for the cause of human freedom.

For 248 years, we have celebrated our independence--our own right to do as we please in governing our own lives. What a wonderful country we live in--despite all its faults and failures. What wonderful freedoms are offered to us as citizens of the USA. Yet our country seems to be leaving God out of everything. Politics and political rivalries have taken over and almost blotted out what our country was founded upon.

One of those freedoms that we are privileged to have is FREEDOM OF RELIGION. We can believe or worship anybody or anything we want with no one to tell us differently. Many thousands of Christians around the world die for that right each and every year. Yet in America--a country established for that very right--many won’t give God the time of day, much less their lives.

What happened that made millions now celebrate the "Freedom from Religion" instead of the "Freedom of Religion?" Many have tried and succeeded often in getting God kicked out of our schools, sporting events, public places and work places.

And it’s not the god of the Hindu, Muslims, it’s not the philosophy of reincarnation or the New Age, it’s not homosexuality or condom distribution they want out. It’s God and Jesus Christ. "Spiritualism" has taken the place of Christianity. Spiritualism puts self on the throne and religion in general. Christianity--the founding guide for America--is under attack. To a great extent our society has gotten what it wanted - a society without God.

In 1962, the Supreme Court held that the Establishment Clause prohibited prayer in public schools. Since 1960, while the gross domestic product had nearly tripled, violent crime has increased at least 560 percent. Divorces have more than doubled. The percentage of children in single-parent homes has tripled. And by the end of the decade 40 percent of all American births and 80 percent of minority births will occur out of wedlock. These are not good things to get used to.

In 1940, teachers identified the top problems in America’s schools as: talking out of turn, chewing gum, making noise and running in the hall. In 1990, teachers listed drugs, alcohol, pregnancy, suicide, rape and assault. And now it’s also guns. These are not good things to get used to, either. What is the answer? How can we turn this nation back to God? Can it even be done? Yes! We can make a difference!

Are you aware that America is in a cultural civil war? William Bennett, former head of the U.S. Dept. of Education, wrote, "America is engaged in an on-going & intensifying cultural war. Over the last two decades there has been waged an all-out assault on common sense & on the common values of the American people. We now stand at a crossroads." Yet, in 1980, it was ruled to remove the 10 Commandments from any public school property.

Now if we're standing at a crossroads, then it seems to me that we, as Christians, need to know what to do, & in what direction to proceed. Our map for that is found in:

2 Chronicles 7:14 - "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land."

I mentioned this verse last week in our service as we heard God pleading with us to humble ourselves and pray. It is then that God will begin to restore us. It is then that He will forgive our sins. It is then that He will heal our land. We are witnessing just the beginning of this restoration in our lives right now.

I am thankful that the Louisiana governor has now mandated that the 10 commandments be displayed in every classroom.

I am thankful that Oklahoma has now mandated that the Bible be considered a part of the curriculum in every classroom.

I Praise God that the American people are finally beginning to remember what our country was founded upon before it is too late.

In the book of Lamentations, the prophet Jeremiah had witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem & its people being carried off into captivity into Babylon. Then, Jeremiah utters a prayer that comes straight from his heart. He prays:

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