
Summary: God will give us power and gifts for the ministry He wants to see through us.

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We continue to learn from the Gospel of Luke. The Gospel of course is the Good News of Jesus Christ who is God who became a human being on earth. We have noted in Luke 4 that Jesus started His ministry on earth in Galilee, Israel (show map).

Please open your Bibles to Luke 4:16-21; Jesus Christ proclaimed He is God the Savior Messiah!

Now, look at Luke 4:31; Jesus taught with authority! Why?

– because He spoke the Word of God!

And in Luke Chapters 5-8, we have noted Jesus taught, described, and exemplified faith. We have learned so far from Jesus that true faith is not only wholly believing in God’s Word but also taking the respective actions.

Part of God’s plan is for Jesus to call disciples to continue the godly work, the ministry, on earth till Jesus returns. We will read in Luke 9:1-6 today how those first disciples started their own ministry by faith in Jesus Christ.

Now, if you have heard the voice of God to believe in Jesus Christ, you are also called to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ. From those first disciples, we can learn how we today can do ministry.

Let us together pray our commitment to God and His Word……

Read along with me now Luke 9:1-6….

The associated Gospel verses to this passage are in Matthew 10 and Mark 6. We will not read them now but they are a resource for us with this story.

As we noted earlier, Jesus taught, described, and exemplified faith.

Now, from Luke 9:1-16, what do we note Jesus did for the disciples?

- Called them

- Gave them power and authority over demons and diseases

- Sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God

- Sent them to heal the sick

- Gave specific instructions:

a. Take nothing extra (What does this indicate??)

Jesus wanted His disciples to be totally dependent on God’s provisions.

b. To stay in same home until the next town.

We can read further instructions in Matthew 10:11-13, Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it;

God looks for worthy people and God desires to bring peace to homes!

c. Leave town if not welcome

(What does this indicate??)

Not everyone will be happy with Jesus’ Disciples.

Let me we read for you how hard it was for the disciples. Matthew 10:16-20

Just because the disciples were called and empowered by God, life was not like “drinking frappucinos” every day. Life for Christ’s disciples were not always easy.

We can also note that, People’s rejection of God’s Kingdom is not God’s fault.

And did the Disciples obey the Lord??

V6 – The Disciples lived by faith!

And again, was everyone happy with the Disciples living by faith in Jesus Christ? Not everyone was happy to have the disciples which also indicate for us that not everyone accepted the Good News of God nor everyone was healed.

Was it the Disciples responsibility that everyone is saved or healed??

The Disciples’ responsibility was to just live by faith not the impact! The Disciples were not called to force belief on anyone.

What does this all mean to us today?

What can we apply to our lives today?

First of all, as I alluded to earlier,

1. Have you personally heard the voice of Jesus Christ?

Jesus called His first disciples for what main reasons??

Let us note these main reasons for Jesus calling the first disciples:

a. to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and God

b. to learn and follow God’s Word

c. to make other disciples of Jesus Christ (to be fishers of men)

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow! And so, let me ask again, “Have you personally heard the voice of Jesus Christ?” And remember what Jesus kept saying when He taught? Jesus over and over warned people as He taught, “whoever has ears, and everyone has at least one, let them hear!” In other words, Jesus is always speaking, the question is, are we listening and responding?

Have you believed in Jesus Christ as Savior and God?

Are you learning and following God’s Word?

Are you committed to making other disciples of Christ?

And if you and I have responded positively to Jesus Christ, like He did for the first Disciples,

2. God will give us power and gifts for the ministry He wants to see through us. What power and gifts has God given you and are you using them to minister for Christ?

3. We must not force anything in ministry but totally depend on God.

This is easier said than done isn’t it? But as true disciples of Christ, we must be careful of quick gratifications.

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