
Summary: Dont ever let the Devil intimidate you again. You are in a Covenant relationship, cut in the Blood of Jesus Christ, your representative and your final sacrifice. And because of His sacrificial death, you are an heir of the promises and a joint heir in

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But God . . . . .

(Don’t ever let the Devil intimidate you again. You are in a Covenant relationship, cut in the Blood of Jesus Christ, your representative and your final sacrifice. And because of His sacrificial death, you are an heir of the promises and a joint heir with Christ. - - - Galatians 3:29 - Romans 8:17)

When we think of the Bible we think of it as a Book of Promises. Promises that are available to every “whosoever” will receive. We should also think of it as a Book of Covenants. Covenant promises are made and sealed in blood.

We regard the Bible as the Word of God, printed on paper, that offers us salvation, deliverance, hope, encouragement, and healing both physical and spiritual.

It is a book of revelation, revealing the nature of God.

It is a book of love.

A book of victory, victory for every Believer.

And if there are victories there also has to be defeats. So the Bible is also a Book of defeats. Not for the believer, but for the devil. Sometimes we miss that point. In any battle, there is a winner and if there is going to be a winner there is also going to be a loser. Who is the biggest loser of them all? The devil. The Bible is a book of defeats for the Devil.

Let me tell you something, if you do not get anything else out of this, always remember . . . . God always wins! He has never lost a battle and never will. Losing is not one of His attributes. If we will let Him, He will fight our battles for us. Sometimes when fighting our battles for us He is hindered by our getting in the way. We tend to think that God is sitting on the sidelines waiting for us to win the game but God doesn't sit on the sidelines and He doesn't play games. Besides, the battle is not ours. (2 Chronicles 20:15) We can say that with authority because the fact that we don't fight our battles alone is part of a Covenant Relationship.

In a blood covenant, there are at least two parties involved. One of the steps taken in a Covenant is for both parties to agree to the terms of the covenant and then swear an oath to that agreement. One of the things that makes a Covenant so unique is that one person promises the other to come to their defense if their help is ever needed.

Every Born Again person is in a covenant relationship with God through the cutting of the flesh of His only Son, Jesus. That's what Calvary was all about. Jesus was not only the covenant sacrifice but, because He passed all the tests and didn't sin, He qualified to be our representative in the Covenant with God, the Father.

When Covenant partners enter the covenant they make a small cut their wrist or palm and mix blood by holding the cuts together with each other. In the Eyes of God that makes the two of them “one”.

We should have entered into the Covenant ourselves but we could not because our blood is tainted, or corrupt, with the sin of Adam. So we needed Someone who was all Man but all perfect and without tainted blood to represent us in cutting the Covenant with God. That Someone was Jesus.

So, this is a divine covenant that is also a blood covenant. God, the Father, is a Party in the covenant. Legally speaking, God is always Party of the first part in any situation. But in this Covenant, you are the other part, the party of the second part and represented by Jesus Christ, the perfect Man.

So, being in this covenant with God, when we are attacked by the enemy, the devil, God comes to our defense. Where is that in the covenant?

First of all remember that, spiritually, every Born Again person is a "grafted-in" Jew.

Galatians 3:29 says: “And if ye be Christ, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (It reads best out of the Living Bible)

What were the Children of Israel promised in the Old Covenant?

Here is one promise in Isaiah 43:1, “But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. 2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. 3 For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour"

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