Building Up The Body
Contributed by Eddie Peros on Jan 28, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Scripture: Ephesians 4: 1<sum><sum>‰As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Scripture: Ephesians 4: 1
to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely
humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make
every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
There is one body and one Spirit˜just as you were called to one hope when
you were called˜one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of
all, who is over all and through all and in all.‰
We‚ve come a long way in the building of the new church. Many days of
hard work, many thousands of dollars spent and many prayers have gone up
to get us where we are today.
This is a great task to be accomplished and very important, but we must
not forget what is more important: „the building up of the body of
I remember years ago when we use to go deer hunting for a week. We
planed for weeks before the hunt to get everything ready and we traveled
to the northern part of the state to the most remote place we could find.
I remember one year in particular. It was Monday morning, the first day
of hunting season, it was 5 am and we were busy getting all our stuff
together to go out to hunt. There was one guy that went with us every year
and we loved having him along. His name was Dennis, but everybody at camp
called him Buck. Well, that morning we all took notice to what Buck was
doing. He was packing everything he thought he might need so he could
stay out and hunt all day without having to come back to camp. He filled
up his thermos with coffee, he got an extra pair of socks in case he got
his feet wet, he got toilet paper, flashlight, gloves, toboggin, scarf, a
pocket hand warmer, a hot seat, knife, rope for pulling a deer if he got
one, deer scent, matches, two sandwiches and some candy bars. Well ol‚
Buck was not very big and with all this stuff he looked like a little
Eskimo. We started walking away from camp and probably was 3 or 4 hundred
yards away from camp when Buck stopped dead in his tracks and said „ By
Jack!!‰ Buck would always say by Jack when he got excited. We all
stopped and turned to look at Buck. He said „By Jack I forgot my gun.‰
We seem to be pretty sure of ourselves, that we will not forget the
most important thing, when we can actually look back and find that we do
quite often.
We as the body of the church, must always remember to work together in
unity so as to edify each other for the glory of God.
Paul compared the body of Christ to the human body in the book of
Corinthians. In our human body, the eye cannot become the hand, the foot
cannot become the arm. Each part of the body has a specific function and
all the parts work together in harmony as God meant them to do. That is
the way it should be in the Church. Each person has a responsibility to
the whole body of Christ. We are to edify our brothers and sisters in
Christ. Too often we do more tearing down of the body than we do the
building up of it.
The same goes for our human body. We can start an exercise program,
work out everyday. We find out fast how good we start to feel. Not only
do we feel better on the inside, but we start to look better on the
outside too. This goes on for a few days or weeks and then one day we see
that big arch in the sky. So we say to our self, „ what can one big mac
hurt. We stop and go in and order 2 big macs, a super size fry and a
large coke. This makes us feel good at first, but soon after comes the
guilt . We tell our selves that we will not do that again, only to find
that we do it again and again and soon find that we‚re not working out as
That‚s what happens to many in the Church. We start out in great
shape when we are new Christians. We feel good and people even notice
that we look better on the outside. We smile more often. We have nice
things to say. We offer our help whenever we can. Then we stop at the
big arch. We want to have a big mac , fries and a coke. We start to
talk about someone in the Church. Oh, it feels good at first, but soon