
Summary: how to build Kids....God's Way

Kids under Construction

Need: several hats

Well good morning. We are doing something new today. We want you to know that we love you guys and we really want the best for you so we are going to start having this time each week where we will have a children’s sermon just for you.

There is something that we all share in common today. Does anyone know what it is? (guesses) We all have on the same kind of hat. Now people wear different kinds of hats and they wear them for different reasons.

• World series…batting helmet

• Cowboy hat

• This is a hat you could wear if you were going hunting. Camo

• Then there is the hat we all have on and this is a hardhat.

Where do people wear hats like this? On construction jobs to help them stay safe. These hats are usually very hard and so they protect your head from getting hurt.

Once or twice a year my family and I travel to Arkansas and to get there, there is one area we always travel through. We have been making those trips for almost 20 years now from Florida and one of the things I have noticed is that this one particular area is always under construction. Every year. Every time we drive through that area we see signs that say Drive Carefully: Road under Construction. And then I drive it through an entire year later and you know what? They are still working in it!! It’s actually hard to believe that it takes that long to repair a road. You would think by now that it would be in good shape and they could take the signs down.

But to keep roads safe it takes a lot of work and it takes a lot of time. And sometimes they find problems and they have to go back and work on it again. But when they do finish that road is going to look great.

You know what? It is the same way for us. The Bible says that God has started a good work in us and He will finish it. Sometimes as He is working on us to make us stronger, to make us better people, to teach us how to live you know what happens, we make a mistake. We do something wrong and then God has to work on us some more. I saw a button once that says “Please be patient God is not finished with me yet.”

So we have a theme we are using on Sunday mornings for you called Kids under Construction. Now whenever you are traveling someplace and you see a sign that says “Road under Construction” I want you to remember that God is still working on us. Heavenly father help us to always remember that you are working on us. Help us to become the boys and girls that you want us to be. In Jesus name. Amen.

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