
Summary: Today we are in Ephesians 5:18-21, a section on Walking in Wisdom as we continue to consider what it means to live out what God has done in us.

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We are continuing our series in Ephesians, Brought to Life; Brought Together. As we say every week, Ephesians can be divided into two sections, chapters one through three describe what God has done in us while chapters four through six call us to live out what God has done in us. Today we are in Ephesians 5:18-21, a section on Walking in Wisdom as we continue to consider what it means to live out what God has done in us. So, if you have your bibles, turn to Ephesians 5:18-21. This week we are looking at what it means to be filled with the Spirit (18) and next week what the Spirit filled life looks like (19-21).

Big Idea: Walk wisely by seeking the Spirit’s influence in our lives.

Do not Seek Alcohol’s Influence in your Life (18)

We are told to walk wisely because the days are evil. That is, this present evil age seeks to draw us away from Christ so we are to look carefully how we live. We do this by using our time wisely, understand God’s will in day to day life, and seek to be filled with the Spirit. “Do not get drunk with wine for that leads to debauchery but instead be filled with the Spirit (18).” He is contrasting alcohol’s influence on us over against the Spirit’s influence on us. He mentions wine but the principle applies to any drug of choice that influences our capacity to think wisely and so we act foolishly. You have some personal problems so you drink until you feel better and your problems seem to evaporate . . . until the next morning. We use alcohol or drugs as well as food and relationships and media to medicate us, to cover up our pain, to deal with life. The reason he tells us not to get drunk is because it leads to debauchery, foolishness. It influences your thinking and so your choices so that you make foolish decisions. Have you ever read a positive news headline and the subtitle was alcohol was involved? No because nothing good ever comes from getting drunk. Getting drunk is foolish but being filled with the Spirit is wise. Do not get drunk is a guardrail in our lives to keep us from foolishness. It’s foolish to hit or try to jump God’s guard rail.

Seek the Spirit’s Influence in your Life (18)

Instead of seeking alcohol’s influence, seek the Spirit’s influence! The tense of the verb filled means to be continuously filled. We need to be continuously filled with the Spirit because we are continuously leaking. So, what exactly does it mean to be filled with or come under the Spirit’s influence? Two of Paul’s prayers in Ephesians help us. Paul prayed for the Spirit’s power and presence in our lives when he prayed that we be strengthened with power through the Spirit in our inner being (3:16). We need the Spirit’s power internally because our struggle with sin is primarily internal. Then Paul prayed that we experience more of God in our lives. He prayed that we know the love of Christ so that we are filled with the fullness of God (3:19), which is the fullness of the Godhead - Father, Son, and Spirit. Being filled with the fullness of God is experiencing the Father’s love for and the joy he has in the Son. So being filled with the Spirit is to be influenced by the Spirit so we experience God’s power and presence so that we taste the love and joy that the Father and the Son have for each other. This love and joy is completely foreign to us so if we are going to experience it, it must be both supernatural and divinely given. So simply put, to be filled with the Spirit is to experience God’s power and presence in our lives, filling us with his love and joy and power.

So how are we filled with the Spirit? We cannot fill ourselves but there are means by which God has given to fill us. There are no formulas but there are normal means or ways in which God fills us as we seek to be filled with the Spirit. I will give you three today.

First, thirst for Jesus. Listen to what Jesus said about himself, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (Jn 7:37-39).

Second, fill yourself with Scripture. Again, the words of Jesus, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life (Jn 6:63).” Spirit given life only comes from the Spirit. All other sources of life are an illusion. The Spirit inspired the Scriptures so drinking from it is drinking the Spirit. Scripture comes from God’s very breath and it his breath or his Spirit that gives and sustains life. But you need to read and engage it. Read it and reread it until God speaks to you and then stop and listen and converse with the Lord about it.

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