Bona Fide- A Study Of James- Part 8- "Stupid Is As Stupid Does" Series
Contributed by Randy Edwards on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 8 of our James series
Bona Fide
A study of James
Part 8
“Stupid is as stupid does”
Many times in the movie Forrest Gump
Forest played by Tom Hanks
Is asked the question
Are you stupid or something?
Each and every time he is asked this question
His reply is Stupid is as stupid does
What this means is that a person’s actual IQ has little to do with common sense
And that a person’s actions, words and love will show them for what and who they really are
You see we are identified by how we act.
This brings us back to our study of James this morning
James has been laying out strong life principals for us
To show us good and smart guidelines for living a good and genuine Christian life
We have called that Bona Fide
In his book
James has drawn dots for us that when connected help us with our actions
Our words
Our thoughts
And help us spread the light of Jesus to the word by each of these methods
Let me recap last week’s teaching in order to tie this week’s right on in
The focus of last week’s message was controlling or taming our tongue
James 1: 26 was the basis for that teaching
James 1:26
“ If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.”
Last week should have been a real eye opener for all of us
We saw how James says
That our words
Our Actions
Our compassion and our love are the true indicators of being a Bona Fide Believer
We saw how words can and do hurt others and even discussed some ways that we have been hurt by words as well
Loving words should come from a growing relationship with Christ
Harmful words don’t come from him
So we come full circle once again
In our Study of James
We keep back tracking and picking up pieces of the puzzle that were laid down in the prior weeks
Because it all ties together
Learning to overcome temptations and trials with joy
Learning to trust in God for everything and rely on him alone, unwavering in our love and dedication for him
Dealing with our own hearts and our own desires and temptations
Using the mirror of scripture
Making changes where they are needed
And then putting feet to our faith
Doing what the word says
These are all steps to becoming more like Christ
These are all steps towards becoming Bona Fide
And they all connect to form a picture
And when connected properly
Should look like Christ’ picture
James picks up from his introduction to taming the tongue
With verse 27
James 1:27
“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.”
Pure and genuine
Bona Fide religion he says
Is putting feet to our faith
Action to our words
Look at verse 27b with me
“Caring for orphans and widows in their distress”
Acting on our faith
James was writing to believers in a time when there was no kind of aid for a family who lost their father or husband
The woman and kids would be left to fend for themselves
Often selling themselves into slavery or prostitution
Or simply living on the streets
Getting by ever how they could
The religious establishment had washed their hands of the whole deal
What can they add to the church?
James says
If you want to be different
If you want to stand out
If you want to set yourself apart
From the old established religion
And focus on a relationship with God
--- Pause---
When you see something like that
Do something!
This verse has great application for us as well
As a church or personally as a believer
As a church we support missions and we should- I pray we can add even more missions to our list of support in the years to come
We support a local ministry that gives food and clothing to those in need and we should
We are always available for prayer and counseling
And when we are presented with a need- a real-- need we will act
In a way that best helps in the situation
We also have that responsibility as believers
To act
Pray about how you can help someone
Pray that God would put people in your path
And that you through his wisdom
Could help them find solutions to the problems
I can tell you this
The answers are in here we simply need to unlock the answers by applying the word to our lives