Blessed Are The Troublemakers
Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: we’ve all experienced trouble, now it’s time to make some trouble for hell
I prophesy right now that somebody is going to leave this house tonight with an attitude, and somebody is going to draw a line tonight and knock the devil out of your life, and somebody is going to go home and set some stuff straight. You’ve been puttin up with the devils mess long enough, and he has caused grief and pain in your life, but the tables are turning right now in Jesus name.
The title of this message may seem strange when we’re talking about a man of God, because as Christians we been instructed that we are to be peacemakers.
Mt.5:8 Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.
We know Jesus as the Prince of peace
But what we misunderstand sometimes is that peace does not mean that he was in agreement and that he was in harmony with the spirit and the attitude of his day.
In fact it was said of him on multiple occasions
(there was a division because of him)
We could say there was a contention, there was irritation, there was a disturbance, or we could just use the word trouble.
Jesus said of himself: I did not come to bring peace but a sword (the word sword used here means) a large knife used for killing animals and cutting up flesh, then it goes to another definition (fighting, strife, fight or combat, of persons at variance, a quarrel)
Mt 10:34-36 Jesus said: I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother and the daughter in-law against her mother in-law and a mans foes shall be they of his own household.
In other words Jesus said: I am come to cause trouble, I came to disturb you, I came to start a fight.
I came to force you to choose sides, (opposing each other).
Jesus was a troublemaker; Elijah was a troublemaker (he was forcing Israel to choose sides).
His very existence agitated and irritated Ahab and especially Jezebel.
Elijah Made Ahab miserable, Elijah was a Man of God who spoke the truth without compromise, without fear and without favor.
There is such a tremendous need for men and women of God like Elijah, to stand up in our pulpits, in our homes and in our schools, in the white house, and declare what thus saith the Lord.
Sadly today the attitude that prevails in our land today is to be tolerant, be agreeable, be harmonious, be peaceful, be open-minded, accept everything, be a peacemaker don’t rock the boat.
But I can’t help it, I feel that Elijah anointing on me it’s that troublemaker anointing.
I didn’t come to join the alliance; I’m not interested in making everybody happy, I’m not trying to find a happy medium where we can all get along.
But I came to draw a line, a line between right and wrong, a line between true and false, a line between sin and righteousness, and a line between dead religion and the power of God.
For too long the church has tried to blend in, to go along and get along, to be tolerant, to not be judgmental.
And the church has become so mixed up and confused and every kind of worldly and perverse and ungodly thing has slipped into the church.
I know I’m hoeing close to the row, but I know I’m telling the truth.
Don’t get mad at me if I’m telling the truth.
Social drinking, gambling, homosexuality, wife swapping, shacking up, fornication, adultery, pornography, and now the church is opening her arms to embrace religions that don’t even recognize Jesus as the Son of God.
They are Anti-God, they don’t even recognize the deity of Jesus Christ.
They promote the godhood of self, and reject the blood of Jesus as the only remedy for sin.
You say: man of God you better be careful preaching like that you might stir something up.
Good: I’m praying that before I’m finished a whole lot of people will get stirred up.
My name is Terry but you can just call me (trouble maker).
I want to stop here in the message for a minute and say something: There are all kinds of people in this world.
There are sweet and kind and considerate people.
There are those caring and compassionate people who would give you the shirt off their backs.
There are those who are always looking on the bright side, who always see the best in others.
There are those who never meet a stranger, and they have a kind word for everyone.
These are the kind of people that make you feel good, you like to be around them, they can turn bad situations around with their positive outlook and attitudes.