
Summary: A Youth Group message that shares what God sees as being cool and what the world views as being cool.

A. God’s Design for “Cool”

B. Cool Doesn’t Try-

C. Be honest- if you have to try to be cool you probably aren’t!

D. Reasons why cool doesn’t have to try

1) Being Cool is an honor that others give you

2) Truly Cool people focus on others, not themselves

3) Most cool people don’t even realize they are cool

II. Things that are NOT cool

A. Not cool when you talk about yourself most of time

B. Not cool by what you wear or how you talk

C. Not cool to live a life of sin and personal pleasure (even though world says it is)

D. Not cool to put others down

III. Reasons to be cool

A. Cool, favored people have ability to influence others for good

B. Cool, favored people have confidence

C. Cool, accepted people find it easy to show love for God

D. Cool, accepted people stand up for truth

IV. Finding Favor “coolness” with God

A. Steps to getting in cool with God

1) Diligently seek after Him-

2) Search out the wisdom of God’s word

3) Develop a lifestyle of praising God without apology

4) Walk into goodness and integrity towards others

V. Finding Favor “coolness” with friends

A. Steps to getting in cool with friends

1) Break out of your shell

2) Give friends their space

3) Be confident in yourself and abilities

4) Have a giving heart without trying to “buy” your friendships”

VI. Finding favor “coolness” with Parents

A. One of the coolest things- Happy Home

1) Choose to obey your parents immediately whether you feel like it or not.

2) Honor your parents when you speak to them

3) Be truthful, even when it gets you in trouble

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