
Summary: It was Tuesday, May 8, 1945 all over America the news was being announced on radio that World War II had ended.

- People rushed out on the streets and began to leap for joy.

- Mothers and dads were thrilled that their sons would be coming home.

- Housewives were leaping for joy because their husbands would be coming home.

- Children were dancing in the streets because their dads would soon be coming home.

After six years of bombing, rationing and great loss of life, it was finally over!

Yet, of all the victories that have been won throughout the ages, none are celebrated with the intensity that we Christians celebrate Easter! None!!!

It is a blessing for us to be able to come to church and hear the gospel preached over and over again. Why? Because of two reasons:

(1) It is a blessing, when you consider the fact that some have never heard the gospel. We are blessed to have heard it preached over and over again.

(2) Another reason is because the more we can hear something, the more we receive from it.

Illus: Normally we read a book one time and than we give it away or put it on our book shelf and leave it there.

But the Bible is different!!!

For example, it is amazing how we can read our Bible over and over again, and continue to see things we have never seen before.

The danger is that anytime we are constantly exposed to something, THE EXCITEMENT WEARS OFF many situations!

Illus: For example, most of us like ice cream. In fact, some of us love ice cream. However, as much as we all enjoy ice cream, did you know that if we ate ice cream every day, three times a day, seven days a week, the thrill of eating ice cream would soon wear off eventually?

However, when we are constantly exposed to something, the EXCITEMENT WEARS OFF EVENTUALLY!

Illus: That is the reason playing sports and GOING HUNTING, FISHING AND GOLFING are so much fun. We do these things every now and then.

But if we were exposed to these things every day of our lives, the EXCITEMENT WOULD EVENTUALLY WEAR OFF.

Illus: I remember when I was a teenager they use to have the top forty songs in rock and roll. Teenagers would listen to them for a few months get tired of them and soon the top forty was replaced with another top forty songs.

But these old gospel hymns Like HE LIVES at Easter tell us about our wonderful Savior WHO CAME AND DIED FOR OUR SINS AND WAS RESURRECTED! We have been singing them for decades and we never get tired of singing such hyms.

Every since we were small children we have heard the story of the gospel and it is sweet to our ears as we first heard it.

I like that song says it get sweeter as the days go by Jake Hess.

Youtube -Sweeter as the Days Go By [Live]


Dec 20, 2012

How could anyone get tired of hearing that our Savior came and died for our sins and was brought to life again.

Illus: John Lennon of the Beatles said: “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn’t argue with that; I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first - rock and roll or Christianity."

As we know, John Lennon has been gone since 1980 and we seldom hear of him since he was shot at the age of 40 but Christianity is still going Strong!

But for those who do not know about this Savior they have no idea what we are talking about.

The only thing they know about Jesus is they know His name.

Many celebrate Easter ignorantly. They do not know:

• He is their Creator

• He is their Savior

• He is the best friend they have ever had

• He would like for them to spend eternity with Him in His heaven.


Illus: A group of four year olds were gathered in a Sunday school class in Chattanooga.

• The teacher looked at the class and asked this question: "Does anyone know what today is?"

• A little four-year-old girl held up her hand and said," Yes, today is Palm Sunday."

• The teacher exclaimed, "That's fantastic, that's wonderful.

• Now does anyone know what next Sunday is?"

• The same little girl held up her hand and said, "Yes, next Sunday is Easter Sunday."

• Once again the teacher said, "That's fantastic. Now, does anyone know what makes next Sunday Easter?"

• The same little girl responded and said, "Yes, next Sunday is Easter because Jesus rose from the grave" and before the teacher could congratulate her, she kept on talking and said, "but if he sees his shadow -- he has to go back in for seven weeks."

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