
Be Transformed

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Jesus wants to transform our lives so that we can experience the abundant life He offers us.

Be Transformed

Youth Group Plan: Be Transformed (Romans 12:2)

Youth Sermon: Be Transformed

Say No to the World

We often get sucked into doing things the world says are cool, but they can lead us away from God and leave us feeling empty. But guess what? You have the power to say no and choose a different path.

If you're stuck in a bad habit, it's time for a heart-to-heart with yourself. Say no to that habit and decide to resist its pull. By doing this, you're making room for God to work in your life.

You have the power to say no and choose a different path.

Say Yes to God

Once we say no to the world, we need to fill that space with God's game-changing work. Spending time reading the Bible and talking to God helps us think right and handle temptations.

Picture a plant. If you water it regularly, it grows. Same with us. If we spend regular time with God, we grow spiritually.

In Psalm 1:1-2, David talks about how important it is to love God's laws and think about them all the time. We need to make hanging out with God a regular thing, letting His words shape our thoughts and actions.

Discover Your Purpose

Lots of us are searching for our purpose in life, trying to find it in stuff the world says is important. But real purpose can only be found in Jesus. He's called us to do awesome things for Him, using our unique talents and skills.

But we can only figure out our purpose when we make God our number one priority. If bad habits have been distracting you from Him, it's not too late to change. God is always ready to welcome you back and guide you towards your purpose.

It's never too late to decide to follow Jesus. Whether you need to reboot your faith or take the first step, know that God is waiting for you with open arms.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What worldly patterns do you find hard to resist?

2. How can you make spending time with God a regular part of your routine?

3. What do you think God's purpose for your life might be?

4. How can you create an environment for God to work in you?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Transformation Relay

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