
Summary: Let us believe the word of God for our healing even if the whole world thinks otherwise.

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Be Healed in the Name of Jesus!

When Jesus walked this earth and prayed for healing for the sick, He first told them that He was only going to heal some of them. He then broke them down into groups. He said to one group, I’m going to leave you like you are, you got a thorn in your flesh - offer it up. This next group over here, it’s not my will to heal you. This next group, it’s not my time to heal you, maybe later. Come back again and maybe I’ll heal you. This next group, you got to study the subject of healing more and get the principles of healing correct before I will heal you. I’m only going to heal these few folks over here. The rest of you can go home. Sorry about that.

That’s ludicrous! Right? The problem is that many times when we pray for healing for ourselves or others, we pray as if that ludicrous description of Jesus was true! When we pray for the sick, there is a part of our mind that says: "If it be your will Lord", "If it be your time Lord."

I can imagine Jesus’ reaction to this type of prayer as one of incredulous astonishment and impatience. If it be my will! Much like He said to the father who brought his son to Him for healing and deliverance. The father said: "if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." Jesus said to him, " If you can! Everything is possible to one who has faith." To the crowd He said: "What an unbelieving lot you are! How long must I remain with you? How long can I endure you." (Mark 9)

Jesus’ Will For Us Is Divine Health!

Jesus has revealed His will to us concerning healing. His will is complete healing and divine health in spirit, soul and body.

"Suddenly a leper came forward and did Him homage, saying to Him, "Sir, if you will to do so, you can cure me." Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him and said, I do will it. Be cured."" Matthew 8:2-3

"As evening drew on, they brought Him many who were possessed. He expelled the spirits by a simple command and cured all who were afflicted, thereby fullfilling what had been said through Isaiah the prophet: "It was our infirmities He bore, our sufferings He endured."" Matthew 8:16

"May the God of peace make you perfect in holiness. May He preserve you whole and entire, spirit, soul and body" 2 Theas. 5:23

We can’t separate healing from the covenant of Jesus with us.

"I will remove all sickness from your midst... and I will give you a full span of life." Exodus 23:25

We can’t separate healing from the cross of Jesus Christ. If our salvation is in the cross of Jesus Christ, so is our healing!

"Yet it was our infirmities that he bore, our sufferings that he endured, While we thought of him as stricken, as one smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins, Upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole, by his stripes we were healed." Isaiah 53:4

"He pardons all your sins, He heals all your ills."

Psalm 103:3

"In His own body He brought your sins to the cross. By his wounds you were healed." 1 Peter 2:24

We should be able to believe for healing as easily as we do for salvation. We should be able to pray with confidence for healing; knowing it is the will of Jesus for us. Healing is a mystery, not everybody gets healed. We don’t understand that. Not everybody gives their life to Jesus when they hear the message of salvation either. But that doesn’t stop us from sharing the good news. It shouldn’t stop us from praying for healing either.

Jesus despised sickness and disease. So should we. We should never stop resisting and rebuke sickness in the name of Jesus. We should never stop seeking aggressively in prayer for healing.

Doctors are great and needed, but they should be utilized in the proper order. The first thing we usually do when we get sick is run to the doctor. We act more like a practical atheist than a believing Christian. Let’s run to Jesus first. Let’s pray and ask Him to heal us. Doctors are great. We should use them, but in the right sequence and at the right time! Doctor’s have their place, but it is fourth place, after we have prayed, repented, and worshipped. Sirach 38:9-12 says:

"My son, when you are ill, delay not, but pray to God who will heal you; Flee wickedness; let your hands be just, cleanse your heart of every sin; Offer your sweet-smelling oblation and petition, a rich offering according to your means, THEN give the doctor his place lest he leave, for you need him too."

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