Be Happy Blessings Of Revelation Series
Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We are blessed, given the truth which will bring us eternal happiness if we read and take to heart the prophecy – the message of Jesus that is revealed in this prophetic writing.
Outline of Series:
The “Be Happy” attitudes of Revelation!
Various titles I could have chosen for the series:
The Beatitudes of Revelation:
The word “Beatitude” comes from a Latin word meaning “happy” or “blessed.” Various forms of the word “bless” are used many times in both the Old and New Testaments.
The Blessings of Revelation:
The Holy Spirit wanted the church of Jesus Christ to know that they were indeed blessed even though they were being severely persecuted and martyred for the cause of Jesus Christ.
The Be Happy attitudes of Revelation:
Thesis: The message of Revelation is a message telling the church that they need to be happy because of their position in Christ. Even though they are suffering severe persecution there is a better day coming which should make them smile in the midst of their trial.
Introduction to Series:
For most people Happiness is very hard to find and even harder to hold on to. It’s elusive and it keeps slipping away through the pressures and the trials of this life. Many of us have tried to grab a hold of this slippery attitude only to find slip through our hands and into the drain of life. The 7 beatitudes or blessings found in Revelation where placed there by the Holy Spirit to tell us bad news can turn into good news if you realign your attitude toward tough times. If you see things the way God sees them. If you get a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ in the midst of the trial and tribulation.
Robert Schuller stated, ‘All the “If only’s” in the world –even if they all come true-still could not guarantee your happiness!’He adds, As we all have discovered at one time or another, cars, houses, jewelry, and other material gains don’t bring happiness for long. After the immediate rush of joy at receiving something we have longed for, we are hit with the unigue problems that every gain brings” (The Be Happy Attitudes, Page xi).
Topic I -- Sermon 1-The blessing of taking to heart God’s revelation of Jesus Christ!--Rev.1:3
Topic II -- Sermon 2- The blessing of deeds done for Jesus Christ! -- Rev. 14:13
1. Sermon 3-- Smyrna Rev. 2:8-11
2. Sermon 4 -- Philadelphia Rev. 3:7-13
Topic III -- Sermon 5- The blessing of staying awake for Christ! -- Rev. 16:15
1. Ephesus-- Rev. 2:1-7
2. Sermon 6--Pergamos-- Rev. 2:12-17
3. Sermon 7--Thyatira -- Rev. 2:18-29
4. Sermon 8--Sardis-- Rev. 3:1-6
5. Sermon 9--Laodicea-- Rev. 3:14-22
Topic IV Sermon 10-The blessing of being invited to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb! -- Rev. 19:9
Topic V Sermon 11-The blessing of taking part in the first resurrection! -- Rev.20:6
Topic VI Sermon 12 The blessing of keeping the words of this revelation! -- Rev. 22:7
Topic VII Sermon 13-The blessing of washing our robes and the right to partake of the Tree of Life! -- Rev. 22:14
The book of Revelation—Means to be able to see something clearly which once was hidden from sight.
- I can tell you about it:
* For instance it gives a sweet taste to the mouth when you follow directions.
* It’s friendly
* It always gestures nice symbols to you
* It’s cute
* It is in the form of a circle
* It is famous
* It has a letter tattooed on its chest
- We can guess what it is but until I unveil it completely to you-you cannot understand everything about it.
- TAKE OFF THE VEIL it’s my MM figure waving at everyone.
This is what the book of Revelation does for us. It takes off the veil and reveals more than any other book in the Bible -- JESUS CHRIST. It reveals to a suffering persecuted church a victorious Jesus Christ. It’s the climax to the entire Bible fueling HOPE AND FAITH! It challenges the church to be ready because He is coming back very soon!
We need to take to heart the message of this book because it will give us joy even in the midst of persecution.
When we see Jesus we will be able to smile through the trial!
Scripture Text:
REVELATION: 1:1, 2: "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw-that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ."
Historical Background of Revelation:
A. The Roman emperors Nero and Domitian are persecuting Christians.
1. Nero - blamed the Christians for the great fire of Rome in 64. He was
responsible for martyring Peter and Paul.
He is noted for illuminating his gardens at night with Christians burning on poles.