
Summary: There is no need for someone to become a genius to share the gospel!

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“Brothers, I do not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaim to you this message from God!” (Borrowing the thought of Paul’s message to Corinthians in Chapter 2 verse 1)

The problem of Corinthians is best described in verse 12. They were pulling each other on each other’s side. As if they were dividing their selves into the good, the better and the best something like of a “human pusoy(POKER)”. At a glance, we can say that the Corinthians were using their human wisdom in addressing the conflicts in the church. First, let us be reminded that the culture affecting the people of Corinth is the typical Greek culture. Its people were interested in Greek philosophy and placed a high premium on wisdom.

• Apollos carried on a fruitful ministry in Corinth (Acts 18:24-28; 19:1). He is described as a learned man. His origin is Alexandria.

• Cephas—it has been suggested that those who followed him in Corinth were Jewish Christians. A fisherman.

• Paul—preached to them and seemed to have a number of people who respect him more than the others (1:11). According to him he came to them not with eloquence and superior wisdom but only through the Spirit’s power (2:1-5).

There were other problems in Corinth at that time, like sexual immorality but the division is the first concern that was reflected and must be dealt with urgency. Settling this issue ahead of the others will establish a credible leadership that will deal to the rest of the problems. I suspect that this division is caused by their high respect to Greek philosophy and high regard on worldly wisdom (3:1-4), especially when Apollos was included in the controversy. He fits what the Corinthians looks for, young and educated (Acts 18:24).


As dictated by their culture, the Corinthians hold on to human wisdom. Human wisdom based their choice on the questions of who are you? Where did you come from? What are your accomplishments? For this kind of Christians, the likes of Plato and Pythagoras will pass as a pastor for a mere intelligence. If newspaper advertisement was already in use then, this might be their ad, WANTED: Senior Pastor with a Doctoral Degree from the most prestigious Seminary preferably with Bachelors in Mass Communications, Engineering, Physics, Sociology, Astronomy and etc. Having won a debate contest in College is an advantage. But Paul said to them. It is not supposed to be for the Christians. Christians should not be in any way influenced by the worldly wisdom in making decisions in life. In saying so, the kinds of debates they were having on who is to be followed in the church do not show their knowledge of the true wisdom. To be more emphatic to his message Paul said the following about the wisdom of the world.

A. It can not bring salvation, 18-19.

The message of the cross is foolishness to them (18). It can not see that it is the power of God to save man. It doesn’t know God. “For in their wisdom, they did not know God” (21). Human wisdom may know and understand all that is under the sun. It may have brought them to the moon and other planets but it will not bring them to heaven.

Illustration: Randy David of Public Forum and UP Professor said once in his live program during the heat of the “Fundamentalists Debates” in the early ’90s to his Bible reading and believing guests in the show. “I have read the Bible many times but I don’t understand it and I didn’t see anything you are saying from my reading.”

B. It is foolishness to God, 20-21.

“Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (20). Can we find any of these philosophers in the lists of God’s Apostles and servants at that time? None of them were chosen. Because of their intelligence, they would surely reject God’s message. But don’t you wonder why in spite of the many philosophers in those days especially in Athens, no one was able to explain what is the meaning of that inscriptions in the hall of idols that says “To the Unknown God” (Acts 17:16-23). They (Athenians and foreigners) spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas. (21) But the true God is not even in their thought. Their wisdom is really foolish.

C. It is faithless (To the world; “to see, is to believe”: To the Jews-signs/Greeks—wisdom), 22-25

It doesn’t know faith. It does not believe in anything that can not be seen or intellectually grasp. A mere absence of physical proof is too difficult for them to believe.

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