At Jesus' Feet
Contributed by Steven Cook on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This message teaches us about some of the people recorded in the Word of God who learned much at the feet of Jesus.
“At Jesus’ Feet”
Luke 8:40-42
Dr. Steven G. Cook
I. Introduction
A. Read - Luke 8:40-42
B. Mark that expression - “At Jesus’ Feet”
C. Have YOU been to Jesus’ feet?? Do YOU know what it means to be at the feet of Jesus??
D. As we look at the stories in this 8th chapter, we’re going to notice 2 Things: 1.) There were people who came to Jesus’ feet because they had a great need 2.) More importantly, however, we are going to notice that Jesus desired them to meet the needs of these people.
E. Jeremiah 29:11-14a - These are the thoughts of our LORD toward of us - He desires us to have peace, and not evil.
F. The Lord does not desire evil for us, but rather peace - He LOVES each and every one of us.
G. Every problem, every need YOU have, God wants us to have peace- He desire for us to KNOW Him and to have JOY, Peace, and Happiness in our lives!!
H. Rom. 8:32 - “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”
I. Let us look at some instances in which people have come to the Feet of Jesus!
II. The SUFFERING of the Demonic of Gadara (Luke 8:26-35)
A. The man came and fell down at Jesus’ feet, and cried out to the Lord Jesus - “What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee, torment me not!” (vs. 28)
B. Sadly, many who are under conviction of their sin have a distorted view of the Savior - They think that God desires to torment them, but remember Jeremiah 29:11-14a, God does not desire evil for us, but peace!
C. Remember, Jesus had come to Gadara because He desired this man to come to Him!
D. What does it take to get a person to fall at the feet of Jesus???
E. You know the story, the Lord cast out the demons, and the next picture of this man is that he is clothed, in his right mind, and seated “At the Feet of Jesus!”
F. What a transformation that has taken place in this man’s life!!
G. That’s why Jesus came to this man - to transform his life!!
H. That’s why Jesus came to this earth! To do for us what we can not do for ourselves!!
I. It Took SUFFERING to bring this man to the “Feet of Jesus”.
III. The SICKNESS of Jairus’ Daughter (Luke 8:41-42)
A. What brought Jairus to the “Feet of Jesus”??? It Took Sickness!
B. How quickly things can change in our lives; No doubt this little girl was the apple of her daddy’s eye; his pride and joy!
C. Now, in an instant, this little girl is dying!! The man forsook everything in his life to obtain the One and Only Hope for his baby.
D. What does God have to do to get YOUR attention??? Not ALL sickness comes because of SIN in our life, but sometimes it does.
E. Remember, God does not desire evil, but peace for our lives.
F. Could it be that the sorrow, the sickness, or the suffering in your life is because Jesus desires MORE of YOU??
G. How tragic sometimes things occur in our lives - We ask, “Why?”
H. Remember at that time, the Lord is saying, “I know my thoughts of you….I do not desire evil, but rather peace for you.”
I. God does not Pick ON Us….but Sometimes He Picks AT Us in order to bring us to Himself!!
IV. The SHAME of the Woman Who Was Healed (Luke 8:43-48)
A. We come to another story - Right in the middle of the plea of Jairus, we find that Jesus is thronged by a crowd of others.
B. Jairus is no doubt IMPATIENT because of the urgency he senses!
C. Here we find a woman who has had a blood disease for the same amount of time the little daughter of Jairus has been living -
12 Years of Darkness / 12 Years of Sunshine!
D. We need to see both Sunshine & Darkness in the lives of people everywhere. We sometimes forget that there are both!!
E. Our Lord teaches us of both that exist in our lives; while we may forget, the Lord is sympathetic to both!!
F. This woman had a disease which no doubt caused her ridicule and shame from others.
G. She came to Jesus for the express purpose of having HEALING!
H. She hungered and thirsted for the Lord Jesus Christ! She was not disappointed for she was made WHOLE!!
I. Jesus called her “DAUGHTER” and said that her, “thy faith has made thee WHOLE”.