
Summary: Through a series of contrasts Jesus confronts His listeners with a key issue. Are you in God's kingdom? Or are you out of God's kingdom?

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Matthew 7:13-29

“Are You In? Or Are You Out?”

Through the Sermon on the Mount Jesus has been telling the disciples, what it means to be part of God’s kingdom, and how a person in God’s kingdom is to live.

Jesus is particularly focussed on people who are in relationship with Him.

Now, as Jesus comes to the close of The Sermon, Jesus gets the disciples, and the crowds, to reflect on a very important questions.

Are you in? Or are you out?

… …

Are you in? Or are you out?

It is a question that should be asked, even of those who call themselves disciples.

Remember, in that group of 12 disciples, Judas is not in … he is out.

Judas cast out demons – like the others.

When Judas preached transformation happened – like it did for the other disciples.

The other disciples who see Judas in action – they all think he is in with the disciples. But he isn’t.

And those people in the crowd? There are many of them who are still out.

They might think they are in.

But looks can be deceiving.

Indeed, we can even deceive ourselves.

So …

Are you in? Or are you out?

That is the key issue Jesus is talking about.

Jesus does this by giving a series of contrasting examples.

The first contrast is two Gates and Roads

Matthew 7:13-14

13 ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

The gates and the roads are linked.

It is not very often that you see a gate set up in the middle of nowhere without a fence attached to each side … or without it going into a structure or a location.

Gates have the specific purpose of being the entry point.

The gate often gives an indication of the destination.

This gate (Luna Park) … has been providing fun, and fear, since 1912.

This gate (Kirribilli House) … is the entrance to the home of the current Australian Prime Minister.

This gate (sheep gate to a truck) … eventually leads to the meat fridge at Woolworths.

The gate often gives a hint as to what is beyond.

Jesus talks about a wide gate.

Wide gates are inviting and easy to get through. With a wide gate you don’t need to offload any baggage so you can bring whatever you want. The wide gate can accommodate all, without having to make a sacrifice.

You don’t have to change.

You can do live your way.

You can make the rules.

It tolerates many.

The gate is wide so it is the place of least resistance and no restrictions concerning.

It’s very, very attractive.

Especially because, beyond the wide gate, is the broad road. Just like the gate, the broad road has room for any and everyone.

It is the road of easy living.

The road of acceptance and tolerance.

The road has plenty of room and accommodates all.

Like the wide gate, the broad road continues to be very, very attractive.

But those on the road do not realise where the road is going. Just like the sheep entering the sheep gate onto a truck.

The broad road is the road that leads to destruction – the loss of eternal life with Jesus.

That’s where this road is heading.

If we are on the broad road, then we are headed for eternal damnation.

Jesus talks about a small gate.

Since it is small it is not easy to find – especially when the wide gate is so welcoming.

To find the small gate people need to narrow down their focus onto that which is essential. Coming through the small gate means we have accepted that we are hopeless sinners who cannot get right with God on our own … so we must put our faith in Jesus.

Many do not make this choice.

Beyond the small gate is the narrow road.

The narrow road is walked by those who choose Jesus.

Having a heart and life constantly regulated by the direction of Jesus as we walk in submission and obedience.

Rejecting temptation so we can walk away from all self-pleasing and self-seeking diversions.

Being willing to suffer, and go through difficulty, knowing this path is the walk of spiritual warfare.

On the narrow road we deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Christ. We do this knowing that this is the road of eternal life.

The wide gate and the broad road.

The small gate and the narrow road.

They are two entirely separate destinations. It isn’t a matter of going along the journey, and sometimes we walk through the wide gate and on the broad road … and other times we choose to go through the small gate and the narrow road.

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