Anointed To Witness And Serve - Week 2 - The Power To ‘know’ - Wisdom, Knowledge, And Discerning Of Spirits And The Power To ‘accomplish’ Faith, Healings, Working Of Miracles Series
Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Apr 2, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: The English word “know” can be defined as the ability to be aware of truth or to perceive directly; to be convinced or certain; have a practical or experiential understanding.
Week Two - The Power to ‘Know’
Wisdom, Knowledge, Discerning of Spirits
The English word “know” can be defined as the ability to be aware of truth or to perceive directly; to be convinced or certain; have a practical or experiential understanding. (Merriam Webster). This definition can be applied in the spiritual realm for the following three spiritual manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Word of Wisdom (1 Cor 12:8)
The Word of Wisdom
One of the spiritual manifestation gifts that provide divine insight is the "Word of Wisdom." The word “word” is translated from the Greek word Logos meaning the spoken word rather than the written word.
The word wisdom comes from the Greek word Sophia and denotes a wise application of knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.
The Gift of the Word of Wisdom enables a person to express correctly the Holy Spirit’s leading and guidance of how and when to make a correct, clear and concise judgment or decision that reaches beyond human knowledge and intellect, on behalf of another. It is not the ability to discern a situation and make a decision with unusual common sense or to study the Bible for ‘new’ revelations.
Tyler had a friend come to him for guidance regarding making an important decision about his future that could have long term severe consequences if he chose the wrong course of action. Tyler prayed for his friend and sought God’s wisdom on his behalf. He shared with his friend the words he believed Holy Spirit was giving him to say, and his friend received the advice.
A few weeks later, Tyler learned that the decision his friend made turned out to be the best decision for both he and his family. The Word of Wisdom given by Tyler helped to bring positive transformation into his friend’s life.
The Word of Wisdom is vital to helping the Christian share God’s wisdom, revelation, knowledge, and understanding in ways that will bless those they meet and lead others into all that God has for them.
Word of Knowledge (1 Cor 12:8)
The Word of Knowledge
The Word of Knowledge is a supernatural revelation by the Holy Spirit of certain facts in the mind of God. It is not natural learning or ability, nor is it a special or intensified knowledge of the Bible.
The word knowledge is the Greek word gnosis, which means to fully know something and have complete insight and understanding.
It is knowledge received from Holy Spirit and special awareness of God when He desires to enable a Christian to effectively minister to the needs of another at a moment’s notice by supernaturally giving them knowledge and understanding in a specific situation or circumstance, and to have insight in overcoming the strategies of the enemy. It will never contradict or add to the Bible.
Martin had a co-worker who came to him because he knew that Martin was a man of integrity and could be trusted based on the reputation he had at work. The co-worker told him in confidence that he was aware that their employer was about to sign a business contract with a company they had never done business with. The potential effects of the deal could mean a dramatic increase in revenue. However, Martin had an immediate check within his spirit that something wasn’t right and decided to look into it.
The company had performed proper due diligence, and an initial background investigation didn’t raise any concerns. Martin remained disturbed in his spirit over this and after much prayer and fasting decided to step out in faith and tell His employer that he felt God was telling him something wasn’t right about this other company and he recommended that his employer perform a more extensive background investigation.
The employer knew that Martin had proven himself reliable and trustworthy time and time again in the workplace and that he was an exemplary employee. He received Martin’s suggestion and called for more background research on the other company as well as their management team. The results of the investigation confirmed Martin's warning, and his employer was able to avoid what could have been a business and financial nightmare based upon the information discovered.
Discerning of Spirits (1 Cor 12:10)
Discerning of Spirits
Discerning of Spirits is having is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to perceive the source of a spiritual manifestation or teaching and determine whether it is of God, the enemy, or of man. (Acts 8:18-23, 10:30-35, 16:16-18) It provides insight into the supernatural world.
The word 'discerning' is from the Greek word 'diakrisis', which means to distinguish, to pass judgment, to appraise and perceive differences. The 'gift' is mentioned only once in Scripture and used only three times in the NT regarding the differentiation of good and bad teaching; opinions of a new Christian versus one who is mature in the faith; and between good and evil (Rom 14:1; Heb 5:14).