Contributed by Charles Salmon on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A study of Biblical teachings about angels.
Angels Heb. 1:13, 14
INTRO.: subject of much study and discussion. Bible has much to say about angels. If we accept reality of spiritual things, we must be interested in this subject. Play a prominent role in the drama of redemption.
In the life of Jesus:
predicted John’s birth and named him.
Predicted Jesus’ birth to Mary & Joseph & named Him.
Announced birth to shepherds
Directed trip to Egypt.
Ministered to Jesus in wilderness and Gethsemane.
Opened His tomb, announced His resurrection.
Teachings of Jesus:
Spoke of angels ascending, descending on Himself.
Said He could call 12 legions of angels.
They will be reapers in the judgement.
They will gather the elect.
They will separate righteous from wicked.
Carried Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom.
Rejoice of salvation of sinners.
Behold the face of the Father
Neither marry nor are given in marriage.
The devil has angels.
Book of Acts:
Opened prison doors.
Directed Phillip to the Ethiopian.
Released Peter from prison.
Struck a Roman ruler dead.
Told Cornelius to send for Peter.
Stood by Paul in a shipwreck.
Mentioned many times in the epistles. Revelation alone has 27 references to them.
Some facts about angels:
I. Some facts about angels:
A. Their origin:
1. Created by God: Ps. 148:1-5
2. First mention: Gen. 16:7 - ministered to Hagar.
3. Exist in Heaven. Behold Father’s face. Mt. 18:10
B. Their descriptive names. They provides some insight
1. "Angel" - messenger in Heb, and Gr. A term also used for human messenger.
2. "Cherubim" - knowing ones. Possess great knowledge of God & His plan.
3. "Seraphim" - burning ones. Relates to looks.
C. Primary function - to serve as messengers.
1. So close to God they are sometimes hard to distinguish. Ex. 3:2-6
2. Often appear as men. Gen. 18:1ff
3. Don’t appear today probably because we have the completed revelation in NT.
D. They are of great number and power.
1. Power of one angel: II K. 19:35
2. 12 legions. Mt. 26:53. A legion = 6000 soldiers.
3. Immeasurable host. Rev. 5:11
E. Only two are named:
1. Michael - mentioned 5 times. Called archangel in Jude 9. Means "Who is like God?"
2. Gabriel - mentioned 4 times. "God is mighty."
F. Concerned with the salvation of men:
1. Cherubim on the mercy seat.
2. Rejoice at salvation. Lk. 15:7, 10
3. Saved acknowledged before them. Rev. 3:5
4. Not omniscient, but interested. I Pet. 1:12
II. Lessons the angels teach us:
A. Our Lord is greater than all the angels. Rev. 22:8, 9
1. He has a more excellent name. Heb. 1:4
2. They worship Him. Heb. 1:6
3. Therefore, heed this warning. Gal. 1:6-8
B. The great danger of blasphemy. Jude 9
1. Even Michael refused to use the Lord’s Name as a curse word.
2. To curse anyone is to make oneself equal to God. A great sin of presumption. II P. 2:10, 11
3. Those who speak evil of spiritual things put themselves under the condemnation of this verse. Those who speak evil of the Church.
C. Universality of judgement: II Pet. 2:4-9
1. There are good and evil angels, just like there are people.
2. If angels were judged, it is foolish for men to think they won’t be.
3. God is going to deal with all evil, no matter the source.
CONC.: The shout of the archangel will be heard when Jesus returns. I Thess. 4:16, 17. Christ will come with His angels in flaming fire. II Thess. 1:7. Angels are the reapers who will separate tares from wheat. Matt. 13:39
may we be found faithful to Christ when that time comes.