
Summary: Jesus shares an important truth with us in the Gospel of Matthew,Who of you by being worried can add a single hour to their life?" Aren't most of the struggles of this life, especially when viewed in hindsight, nothing more than an inconvenience. Updated January 2020.

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For those not familiar with and Anglican Service there are four Scripture readings prior to the Message. Scripture Today's assigned readings are: (Mathew 6:24-34; Malachi 3:6-12; 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15; Psalm 24)

Jesus shares an important truth with us ... in the Gospel of Matthew, ... Who of you ... by being worried ... can add a single hour ... to their life?" (Pause)

Aren't most of the struggles of this life, ... especially when viewed in hindsight, ... nothing more ... than an inconvenience?

We live through the struggles of life, ... we grow through the struggles of life ... and hopefully we learn from those struggles ... that they are no more than........ an inconvenience.

Once we go through them ... we become empowered.

We realize ... that we will live trough that situation ... if we are called to face it again. (Long Pause)

A student squeezes in line, in front of you, at a high school football game, ... that is not a problem ... it's only ... an inconvenience.

When someone takes a parking space that you are about to pull into, ... that is not a problem ... that's only ... an inconvenience?

Help me here!

You have a flat tire while driving to the airport and you might miss your flight; that is only ... an inconvenience.

It takes seven and a half years for your child to graduate from college, ... that's only an........ inconvenience.

The Dow falls below 10,000, you lose 65% of the value of your 401(k), you are company is being acquired and you're probably going to lose your job, that's only an ......... Yes, that too is only ... an inconvenience (Pause).

I remember very clearly ... a conversation with my grandfather when he was in the hospital dying ...of cancer.

He said .....Jeffy, all the other problems I faced in life were nothing ... compared to this; I would give up all my money ... and all the things that I own... to only have my health back.

I had the opportunity to pray with my grandfather in the hospital... a few days before he died. (Pause)

Yes, even death itself ... is only an inconvenience to those who know Christ as their Savior.

If we are honest, ... most of the situations that we become most anxious about, ... are also the ones ... that we have little or no control over;........ much like these very difficult times that we are all facing individually, ... as families, ...... as a nation ... and as a Church.

Yet they too are only an inconvenience.

We are called to be good stewards of all that God gives us ... and to bring to Him our lives,..... our tithes and our offerings.

In fact in Malachi God says: .....Test me now on this ... bring me your titles and offerings ... and see if I will not open the windows of heaven ... and pour out for you a blessing ...until it overflows. (Malachi 3:10)

Being a good steward ... reminds me of the campaigns that our church in Ohio would have back in the 70's; .....Yes, ......Once a year ... we would discuss finances and tithing.

Is tithing an important part of the Christian walk?

Of course it is.

But what leads us to move in Faith ... to be willing to tithe?

Is it a once a year Stewardship campaign?

Maybe that engages some ... but I do not believe ... that would work for me.

Stewardship ... obviously includes financial support ... but it also encompasses sharing your time and your talents ... in support of the Church ... and in bringing others into a deeper relationship ... with our Lord and Savior (Pause).

It was the Stewardship of two friends from my youth ... that brought me into a deeper relationship ... with Christ.

Approximately 1 ½ years after I graduated from Ohio University; ... I stopped to see two old high school friends, ... friends I had not seen in years.

For some reason ... when you leave high school, ... life takes you from people ... that you thought you would always stay close to.

They asked me if I would sing with them at a Church next Sunday ... and I agreed to go along.

After the Service we were sitting around and talking about things we would like to do with our life.

I mentioned ... that I would like to be re-baptized in the Jordan River someday.

I guess that was the opening they were waiting for ... because they turned to me ... and almost in harmony said Jeff,...... We have been meaning to talk to you.

They each shared with me what it meant to them ... to give their life to Christ.

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