An Everlasting Father Has Come
Contributed by Jack Warford on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: So many today do not believe that Jesus and the Father are one, or that Jesus is God and has always been God. What is your responsibility when you hear or see these lies about the true Jesus?
Matthew 1: 23, John 10:30 (NLT)
So many today do not believe that Jesus and the Father are one, or that Jesus is God and has always been God. What is your responsibility when you hear or see these lies about the true Jesus?
Will you share the true Jesus with them or will you be silent?
Most Americans say they are Christians, but they do not really know Christ or what He requires of them. They do not have a real sense of urgency about reaching others for Jesus. There are also many non-Christian people who need to know who Christ really is. So what are we to do as true Christians? We must be able to cross the bridge to a better understanding about all faiths. We can only accomplish this with Interfaith Evangelism. Our Southern Baptist Convention, specifically the North American Mission Board (NAMB) has developed a comparative belief chart to educate and assist us in reaching and teaching others about the true Jesus. Every true believer should study this chart. With careful reading of it, one can gain a vital understanding and orientation of many non-Christian and pseudo-Christian faith groups of today. Its contents also reveal the distinctive nature of our Christian gospel. The next step is to go from the Sanctuary to the streets. This seems to be the hardest of all, but with the help of the Holy Spirit it will happen.
Will you share the true Jesus with them or will you be silent?
Just look around and we see people from various religious backgrounds. They look just like us or they may look and even dress differently than us. They shop in the same stores we do, they work side-by-side with us, and their children play and go to school with our children. Many hold the same moral and ethical core values as we do. They appear to be happy and satisfied with their gods and believe they will go to heaven or even become gods themselves someday. These lies that they have bought into will only take them to Hell. Many of us do not understand or even believe in the Hell of the Bible. It was so important to Jesus that He spoke on the subject over and over and over again. He came to suffer and die that we would not go there. I can tell by the look on some of your faces what you are thinking right now “there he goes again, we have all heard it so many times before, why doesn’t he preach on something else once in awhile?” The answer is that most of you are not doing what Jesus demands of all of us. Why are the non-Christian and pseudo-Christian groups growing by leaps and bounds and we are not? Their followers are evangelizing in greater numbers, more frequently, and they know what and whom they believe in and are compelled to share their faith with others. It is a priority in their lives and in their church. Is it a priority in yours?
Will you share the true Jesus with them or will you be silent?
We must share with them the truths that Jesus has taught us. The good news of Jesus Christ is powerful when spoken and heard, but how will they believe unless they hear, and how will they hear unless we go and tell them? This is not a new dilemma; it has been with us since the church began (read Roman 10:13-15). I received a letter from NAMB this week asking us to go to St. Louis, Missouri next June to help reach the city for Jesus. The letter said that we were in the top 25% of all Southern Baptist Churches in baptisms last year and they need our help to save people from going to Hell.
Will you share the true Jesus with them or will you be silent?
May God richly bless you with His Word.