"Alms And Legs"
Contributed by Alan Chandler on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Here we see how Peter healed a crippled man. But what can we learn from the account of a man that came begging for "alms" and got legs instead?
Acts 3: 1-10
I) Intro:Something current in your community that relates to changes in plans or greatness, etc.)
II) Text:
A) Recap
1) Last week looked at snapshot of early church (See notes on "Needs and Wants")
B) Read Text
C) Apologize for the Pun in title
1) Man came begging for “Alms” but he got legs instead!
III) Observations:
A) Sometimes God has Other Plans
1) Peter and John came to worship and ended up serving
2) Crippled beggar came to beg for money and received a great gift from God (Came begging for Alms and God gave him legs)
B) Sometimes we are far too easily satisfied
1) QUOTE: “Indeed if we consider the unblushing promise of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.” – C.S. Lewis
2) In his wildest dreams the beggar could not have imagined what God would do for him that day.
3) This is what God desires to do in our lives
4) How often are we satisfied “begging outside the temple gate?”
C) Sometimes we must be willing to ask for help
1) The beggar asked Peter and John for Money
D) Sometimes we must be willing to receive help
1) Peter and John came to his aid in a powerful way. However the beggar had to accept the help
E) Sometimes the greatest blessings are just around the corner from our disappointments
1) The beggar wanted money – Peter and John had none.
2) The beggar was no doubt used to being verbally abused. When Peter and John came up to him with “empty hands” he was more than likely preparing for some verbal attacks. At a very minimum he was not going to get any money.
3) In the midst of this disappointment, He received a greater gift than all the money in the world could buy!
F) Sometimes God uses you in His plan when you don’t know it
1) Who carried the beggar to the Temple gate that day?
2) Not really sure. Probably responsible family members that regularly carried him there when they went to the temple to pray
3) Because they carried him there, he was in the right place at the right time.
IV) Further Observations
A) What God has to give is better than money
1) All the money in the world couldn’t pay for the gift he received.
2) It’s the same with the gift of Salvation God has to offer us
B) We must do our part
1) Peter could have ignored the prompting of the Holy Spirit
2) John Could have left peter by himself and went into the Temple to pray
3) Beggar Could have refused to stand
4) People that carried the beggar could have decided not to take him that day
C) Everyone plays an equal part in the victory
1) All of the people above played a significant part in the miracle
2) Today everyone plays significant role in bringing people to Christ. It doesn’t matter if you set up the chairs, preach the message, or pray with someone to receive Christ.
D) The joy of the Lord can’t be contained…not even in the church!
1) The beggar jumped, walked, and praised God…in the temple!
2) Yes, people noticed the “interruption”
V) Action Steps
A) Allow your life to be impacted with God’s gift of Salvation
B) Am I satisfied with mediocrity? Or do I expect to see the greatness of God’s Grace?
C) Am I willing to do my part?
D) Do I stifle the Joy of the Lord? Or do I let others see it?