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  • "What Are You Praying For?"

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Mar 18, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    When faced with a challenge does your prayer reflect your faith? This message looks at the prayer life of the early beievers as they faced a threatening challenge

    "WHAT ARE YOU PRAYING FOR?" Acts 4: 23-31 PREPARATION: Read and be familiar with the book "Who Moved My Cheese" I) Intro A) Zig Ziglar story of boy that went with his mother to the old general store. He liked to sneak away from his mother and when no one was looking he would dip his finger into more

  • "Blowin' Smoke"

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Mar 11, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    When a fire doesn’t burn completely it creates deadly smoke. So how well do we burn? Are we truly on fire for God, or are we just Blowin’ Smoke?

    “BLOWIN’ SMOKE” Acts 4: 13-22 I) INTRO A) Revisit Fire Triangle B) Complete and Incomplete Combustion 1) Complete combustion Co2 and Water a) Car as efficient as human body would get 900 mpg. 2) Incomplete…Co Smoke “Today we are going to look at how ‘combustion’ applies to who we are in more

  • "Alms And Legs"

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Feb 25, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Here we see how Peter healed a crippled man. But what can we learn from the account of a man that came begging for "alms" and got legs instead?

    “ALMS AND LEGS” Acts 3: 1-10 I) Intro:Something current in your community that relates to changes in plans or greatness, etc.) II) Text: A) Recap 1) Last week looked at snapshot of early church (See notes on "Needs and Wants") B) Read Text C) Apologize for the Pun in title 1) Man came begging more

  • "Needs And Wants"

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Feb 19, 2002
    based on 9 ratings

    Before it was even caled the "church" the church has been finding ways to meet the needs of people. But what about our wants?

    "NEEDS AND WANTS" Acts 2: 42-47 I) Intro A) An "I need" illustration from kids childhood (Kids says, "I need" and the parent says, "you need? Or you want?") II) Text: RECAP: 3000 accepted Christ. Church jumped from 120 to 3000 in one day! A) Snapshot 1) Did not reject Jewish religion a) more

  • "What's Stopping You?"

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Feb 19, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    Looking at what the Spirit did for Peter at Pentecost, can encourage us to accomplish great things for God!

    "WHAT’S STOPPING YOU?" Acts 2: 14-41 I) Intro: A) Obstacles into Opportunities (Local illustrations work best) II) Text: (Joke about length…remember the text is a sermon) A) Recap 1) Spirit came upon them / other tongues 2) Being made fun of B) Peter Defends position 1) Not drunk… 2) Uses text more

  • "Backdraft"

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Feb 4, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    When oxygen is re-introduced into a heat/fuel mixture (Backdraft)the results are explosive! But what happens when the "Oxygen" of the Holy Spirit is introduced into the life of the believer?

    “BACKDRAFT” Acts 2:1-13 I Intro A) Revisit Fire Triangle (See notes from “Don’t burnout…Just burn”) B) Example of Backdraft 1) Fire consumes oxygen a) Heat and fuel present but no Oxygen 2) Backdraft happens when Oxygen is re-introduced into the Heat and Fuel mixture (Unfortunately this usually more

  • "God...i Have A Problem"

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Jan 28, 2002
    based on 69 ratings

    Facing a problem or challenge? Here is God’s 5 step strategy for working through it!

    "God…I Have a Problem" Acts 1: 12-26 January 27, 2002 I) Intro A) Find current illustration of a problem that people are familiar with. 1) From the illustration make the connection that we all have problems to deal with B) Recap (See notes from Sermon titled Change is Constant) 1) Jesus ascended more

  • Change Is Constant

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Jan 22, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    No one really likes change. However, change is not only a sign of a healthy church, it is also Biblical

    "Change is Constant" Acts 1: 9-11 January 20, 2002 I. Intro A) Joke: How many church board members does it take to change a light bulb? (Make up as many humorous excuses as you can think of i.e. I like sitting in the dark, does the church want us to change the light bulb, can we afford to change more

  • Don't Burnout...just Burn

    Contributed by Alan Chandler on Jan 14, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Before Jesus returned to heaven he gave His disciples everything they would need to start the fire that would "burn into" the church, but what does that mean for us today?

    "Don’t Burnout…Just Burn" Acts 1: 1-8 I. Intro. A)Pastor to the church board: Bad news: the church burned down last Sunday Good news: no one complained that the Sanctuary was too cold! B)To say the Sanctuary is on fire is a mostly true statement 1)The Fire Triangle(Fire needs heat, fuel and more