
Summary: In chapter fifteen we have reached the fourth major turning point in the book of Acts.

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(1) The first major turning point was when the Church was filled with the Holy Ghost in Acts, chapter 2.

(2) The second major turning point was when the Christian Church was able to convert the apostle Paul from Judaism in Acts 9.

(3) The third major turning point, was when the Christian church's spiritual eyes were opened, and they came to realize that salvation was also for the Gentiles, and Cornelius was converted and filled with the Holy Ghost, in Acts 10.

(4) The fourth major turning point was when the Christian church, which consisted entirely of circumcised Jews, became aware of the fact that circumcision had nothing to do with salvation. The Jews thought that circumcision, and obeying the law, were necessary for salvation. Today, many folks have made a new list of things to replace that old list that the scribes and Pharisees claimed were necessary for salvation.

Illus: Years ago, we would hear of churches that taught salvation by works. That is, for example, if a woman cut her hair, she surely could not be a Christian, therefore the women would wear their hair long, and would stack it up so high, it was a wonder they could get through the doors of the church. Even the youngest child could sit in church, and tell which women were spiritual, the taller the stack, the more spiritual they were. ‘Spiritual’ women could not wear make-up. Back then, women did not have to spend 30-45 minutes putting their make-up on, they did not wear any, although it probably took them 30-45 minutes to fix their hair every morning. One could not be a Christian woman, if she wore a dress that did not cover her arms, etc. Do not misread what God is saying. We are to be holy unto the Lord, but we are to dress and act correctly, because we are saved, not to be saved. A woman can let her hair grow until it reaches the ceiling, and wear a dress down to her ankles, and still die and go to hell.

Salvation is imparted by God, not earned by man. Man has always said, “Do this, or do that!,” but God has always said, “It has already been done!”


Verses 1-2, "And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question.”


Look at verse 1. Notice Paul, Barnabas, and Peter, put forth the effort to win these Gentiles to the Lord. Now that they had been won to the Lord, the Bible says, “And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.”

It doesn't matter where you go, you will find those who will not do anything but run their mouths. Until Peter, Paul, and Barnabas broke the barrier between the Gentiles and the Jews, the fellows would not have a thing to do with these Gentiles. Since it looked like they were going to be accepted by the church, they figured it was time they took a little trip to tell them what they expected them to do, if they were going to qualify for salvation.

Illus: Years ago, the Mormon church would not accept black people into their congregations. This was part of their church teaching. Members of the congregations complained. Then a strange thing happened. A lot of black people began to move up in society and make large salaries. When they became ‘socially accepted’ by more of the people, the Mormon church 'prophets' said that God showed them that it would now be alright to take blacks into their membership... (How hypocritical can people get! Jesus came to seek and to save ALL who do not know Him, regardless of geographical location, social standing, or nationality!)

There have always been groups of people, who have never led a soul to Christ, but who will find some new convert that someone else won to Christ, and do all they can to confuse that new convert with their heresy.


Look at verses 2-3. Notice how Paul and Barnabas moved in to protect these new converts. Many folks have the notion that all God expects of the church, is to win the lost. That is only part of what God expects of the church. Once people are won to Christ, they need to be watched over, as newborn babes in Christ. Paul and Barnabas saw that the legalists were trying to load these new converts down with all their "do's and don'ts", and the Bible says, "...Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them...”

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