Abiding In The Light Series
Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This text reveals Jesus as the Light of the world. His Light shines in darkness, dispelling the darkness of sin. As the Light reveals needs in our lives, we are responsible to respond to the Light.
Abiding in the Light
1 John 1: 5-10
In our opening passage, John focused on the characteristic of Christ as the Living Word, God revealed to humanity in human form. Christ came to earth as the embodiment of the eternal God. Now he focuses on Christ as the Light of the world. Each of these characteristics reveals the true nature and essence of our Lord. He is Light and there is no darkness in Him.
This is a fitting attribute for John to discuss. We know that light was the very first of God’s creation. Light speaks of the purity of Christ and the holiness He possesses. Light serves to reveal contamination, but cannot be contaminated. It dispels darkness, but cannot be overcome of darkness; the two never inhabit the same space. Light can be shut out or covered, but it cannot be contained. Light is essential for life to exist. Just as Christ is the Living Word, He is also the Light of the World.
Let’s take a few moments to examine the qualities John discusses concerning the Light of Christ as we consider the challenge he presents regarding: Abiding in the Light.
I. The Confirmation of the Light (5) – This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. John speaks of the message he received of the Lord. This reveals “an announcement, a promise given regarding a gracious gift.” He desired the believer to experience the fullness of Christ and he further confirms that possibility as he deals with Christ being the Light of the world. As we consider the Light, notice:
A. The Source – This then is the message which we have heard of him… This promise, this gracious gift of grace comes from a particular source, from God Himself. The Christians of John’s day faced much difficulty and uncertainty, but there was absolute confidence in Christ. He had come to earth, fulfilling redemption’s plan, making a way for the lost to be saved. There was no need for doubt or fear. They could rest in the provision of Christ. Their salvation and eternal destiny were secure in Christ the Lord.
This is a fundamental principle often repeated in Scripture, but it bears continual consideration. Just as light has power to continually dispel darkness, Christ, our Light, has the power to save and reconcile to God. We are secure in Him. Salvation is absolute and eternal due to its source. We have all experienced broken promises, but the promises and provision of Christ are secure.
B. The Supply – This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you…John continues to bring hope and assurance as he discusses the supply of such grace. It is offered to humanity. It was not reserved for a select few, offered to only an elite group. John proclaimed the grace of God was available to all men. The world may not have cared for them. Their opportunities may have been few, but salvation was offered to all. Christ came to dispel the darkness within the souls of men. His grace is available to all who will look to Him by faith!
We are thousands of years removed from Calvary, with countless souls being born again in Christ, and yet the offer still stands. Grace continues to be extended to fallen man. There is no danger in it ever being in short supply. I rejoice for the day the Gospel was declared to me. I feel compelled to share it with those I meet in life today. Christ came into this world to offer Himself the atonement for sin. He came to seek and save that which was lost. This promise of grace needs proclaimed for all to hear!
C. The Splendor (5b) – that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. I know their culture and society was much different from ours, but they dealt with many of the same struggles we do. They lived in a body of flesh, prone to sin. They were surrounded by a world that only desired to please the lusts of the flesh. While considering their existence and standing before the Lord, they likely felt hopeless. John knew their condition. He knew their concerns. Their lives were consumed with the darkness of sin and there seemed no hope of escape. However, John proclaims: God is light! In Him is no darkness at all. There was hope for those bound in darkness. Entering a relationship with Christ enters a relationship with Light. Light dispels the darkness. The burden and bondage of sin is overcome in Christ!
Isn’t that a blessing? I remember the bondage and darkness of sin. I remember the guilt and uncertainty that consumed by being. I remember longing to be set free from the grip of sin and darkness. At the moment I met Christ in salvation, light flooded my soul, and the darkness had to flee. I was delivered from sin, surrounded by the glorious Light. Christ is the hope of the world. He continues to deliver those bound by sin, consumed in darkness. He is Light!