A Vision For Evangelism
Contributed by David Salyer on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: That god has called us to reach this world
Vision For Evangelism
Matt. 28:19
Jesus said go and make disciples in all of the world. He was
talking to you and he was talking to me. We have a mandate, we
have a calling, we have a ministry to touch this world with the
message and the love of Jesus Christ. We live in a time when our
family our neighbors and friends are crying out for something to
believe in. What we have will fill every void and need in their lives,
Jesus will take the place of drugs and alcohol, he will take the
place of the physical longings to be loved, he will fill their hearts so
that they no longer need a psychic to tell their future because they
have hope.
The Assemblies of God in the decade of harvest grew by leaps and
bounds. In 1990 there were 16 million believers worldwide that
belonged to Assembly of God churches, closing out the year of
1999 the Assemblies of God numbered 34 million. Our fellowship
more than doubled in ten years! What a great harvest of souls for
the kingdom. It is exciting to be a part of what God is doing in the
last days. Or are we a part. You see almost all of that growth that
we saw in the last ten years has occurred outside of the United
States. Our fellow believers around the world are seeing an
incredible harvest and we are seeing mere trickles in comparision.
It is something that should burden our hearts and take notice, for
obviously they are doing things differently than we are.
Maybe the church here has forgotten what it our primary mission
is. It is not to build great buildings or to come up with the greatest
curriculum, we are called to reach and evangelize this world, and it
starts right here in our own backyard, at our work, with our
families and friends. They need Jesus!
At the beginning of the year a vision committee came together and
sought God for His vision for our church body. Every Sunday
morning we start our services with the first line of our vision
statement. The vision statement is posted on the wall just outside
the sanctuary. As we asked God for His vision we felt that one of
the important things that he wanted us to do was evangelize.
Read that part....
This week as we were a part of the Worldwide A/G 2000
Celebration, I was stirred by the Holy Spirit in what I saw and
heard. Near the end Thomas Trask, the general superintendent
read the vision for the entire A/G.
Let me read one part to you.
It is no coincidence that we were given 8 months earlier the same
vision that God gave for the entire fellowship. This is God’s
We are Pentecostal people, and I believe that God is sayng that it
is time for us to start acting like one.
What do I mean?
Acts 1:8
The baptism in the Holy Ghost is what makes us pentecostal, not
the fact we speak in tongues or dance around for Him, we have
received the blessing of the Spirit empowerment.
The word says you will receive power and you will be...
It’s not power to speak in tongues or dance, it’s not power to feel
Holy Ghost bumps, it’s not power to prophesy or receive the gifts
of the spirit, it’s not for me so that I can feel good about myself
It is not about me at all, it’s about being filled with Him so that I
can have power to reach this world for Jesus.
As pentecostal people it is what we are to do. He didn’t give us
the precious gift of the spirit so we can have a bless me club, he
gave it to us so that we could step out and do His will.
I can’t imagine what the numbers would be, if we were to walk in
almost any of our churches and take a poll on reaching out and
witnessing. If we were to ask how many this week shared the love
of Jesus and what he has done for you and then asked that person
to church.
I will tell you that the numbers would less than 25% of those
polled. The growth of the church in America stands behind this.
If we were doing it, then our results would similar to the world.
The enemy has gripped the people of God in America with fear.
You even mention witnessing and people in our churches become
uncomfortable, they will find every excuse there is to not be a part
of sharing the love of Jesus.
Fear will keep you from receiving what God has for you.
2Tim 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit