A Tree And Its Fruit (Teaching)
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Oct 1, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: “A Tree and its Fruit” – Luke chapter 6 verses 43-45 – sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
• All Trees Bear Fruit (vs 43-44)
• All People Bear Fruit (vs 45a)
• Your Words are the Fruit (vs 45b)
"Remember God wants spiritual fruits and not religious nuts!"
• Dr. Martin Kaonga,
• Director of Science & Conservation for Christian conservation charity
• “Trees are an invaluable part of our world.
• In fact, there would be no life on earth without trees and other plants.
• They produce oxygen for us and other animals to use,
• And they absorb the carbon dioxide we breathe out!
• Trees also provide habitat and food for countless animals,
• And food and medicines for people.
• Forests are the nurseries of life;
• They contain more species per hectare than any other kind of land-based habitat”
• TRANSITION: you don’t need me to tell you that tees are important,
• Just recently we have heard and seen on the news stories of raging fires,
• That have ripped through the Amazon rainforest for weeks.
• Yet people seem to care more about a burning Cathedral in Notre Dame,
• Than a forest known as “the lungs of the earth”,
• More than 20% of the world’s oxygen is produced by the Amazon rainforest.
• It is also home to about 3m species of plants and animals,
• And one million indigenous people!
Now this morning’s sermon is not about the ecosystem,
• Because the trees mentioned in this passage of scripture,
• Are symbolic not physical.
• They are part of a parable Jesus told.
• Jesus did not invent parabolic or teaching through stories and metaphors.
• It was common among Jewish Rabbi’s and teachers.
• And there are many stories and metaphors in the Old Testament part of the Bible.
• Whenever we see a word starting with ‘Para’ it has a common meaning.
• ‘Para’ is a Greek word that we have transliterated into the English language.
• (instead of translating it, with have just included it as it is)>
• ‘Para’ always means ‘alongside.’
• e.g. A parachute is a chute alongside.
• e.g. Parallel lines are one line alongside another.
• e.g. The Para-Olympics is one event alongside another event.
• TRANSITION: So, Jesus told a story about two trees,
• But always don’t forget to look for what Jesus is teaching ‘alongside’
• I explain a parable to children this way.
• Think of a jam doughnut.
• The story is the dough and the meaning is the splodge of jam in the middle!
(1). All Trees Bear Fruit (vs 43-44)
“‘No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognised by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thorn-bushes, or grapes from briers.”
• The statement by Jesus is not complicated or confusing,
• In fact, it is fairly obvious, and it doesn’t require much explanation.
• Even a sick and weak tree will produce a crop
• What it produces may be measly and tasteless; maybe even bitter.
• But even a sick and weak tree will produce some fruit,
There are often three reasons your trees, plants or vegetables will not grow:
FIRST: Malnourishment
• Lack of nutrition in the soil can cause a tree to be bad or produce poor fruit.
• So, if your fruit tree or vegetable plants persistently keep refusing produce,
• You should apply a fertilizer to see if it improves.
SECOND: Watering and General Care.
• Healthy growing is a time-consuming venture.
• If you are not taking proper care of your trees or vegetable plants,
• They will not give fruit.
• For instance, if you are neglectful of the plants’ needs,
• Don’t plant them with enough space,
• And don’t remove weeds regularly;
• The plants will just not give their finest produce.
THIRD: Sunlight and temperature.
• Sunlight is an important necessity for good healthy growing,
• Strong sunlight will give you great, tasty fruit and vegetables.
• Gardeners use Greenhouses in cold weather for young saplings or vegetables.
• To protect them.
• Sunlight and temperature can be very important when it comes to production.
• TRANSITION: Now those three general principles regarding gardening,
• All have a spiritual application.
• FIRST: Malnourishment
• You all know the statement, “You are what you eat!”
• What we feed on will determine how we grow and the fruit we produce!
• True not just in trees but also with people.
• Just recently on the news we had the story of a teenage boy from Bristol,
• Who has gone blind and partially deaf because of his poor choices regarding food.
• For the last ten years the seventeen-year old boy;