A Study Of The Book Of Romans Lesson #25 Series
Contributed by James May on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Continuation of a study of the Book of Romans
Book of Romans
Lesson #25
Romans 10:12 – 10:21
We were talking about the simplicity of the gospel when we ended our last lesson. The gospel is a simple message containing the full plan of salvation for the soul of man and that plan has been predetermined by an all-knowing and all-wise God. In fact, the simplicity of the gospel is often the thing that so many cannot understand.
Man tries to make the path to God so hard, almost impossible to attain. But God made the way that all men can go to him simply by believing in Jesus and trusting in the power of his blood to wash their sin away. God does all the work of sanctification, cleansing, purifying and creating a new heart and a right spirit within us. All we have to do; and all that we can do is to accept God’s wonderful gift of salvation by faith. No work that we can do erases one single sin, but faith in the blood of Jesus will wash away all sin for all men, for all time!
Every man who ever enters Heaven’s gates and is allowed to stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and be welcomed to walk upon those streets of gold, and to sit down by the River of Life and let your feet rest in its cool, clear water, will only do so by faith in that blood. Nothing else pays the price of sin; and there is no other path to God’s New Heaven except through faith in the atoning power of Jesus’ blood.
Romans 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
All are equally welcome to this salvation. Here the Jew has no exclusive privileges; and from this salvation the Gentile is not rejected. One simple way of being saved is proposed to all! The great riches of God’s wonderful grace is extended to all men everywhere. All it takes to have that grace applied is that we have the faith to call upon Jesus!
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
What does Paul mean when says, “call upon the name of the Lord”?
In my times of attempting to be a witness for Jesus, I have often asked the question, “Do you believe in Jesus”, or “Do you believe in God?” The answer to these questions is generally, “Yes”. There have been very few times when I wasn’t told that the prospect to whom I was witnessing did not confess a belief in Jesus; and even fewer times when they didn’t confess a belief in God.
The problem was that I had a knowledge of the lifestyles of some of them, and though I am not the judge of their heart, the fruits that their lives were bearing did not support the idea that they were followers of Christ, and in fact, often showed the characteristics of Satan himself. If they did know Jesus, they were a long way from showing his nature.
And many of those who said that they knew God made me wonder too. In fact, I’ve learned to ask not just, “Do you know God?” We have to assume in our modern society, even in America, that most people don’t have a clue as to who the True God of Heaven really is.
Our society has become a religious and/or spiritual mixture that is deadly to the soul. With the rise of eastern mysticism, Hinduism, Islam and the Muslims, Humanism, Multi-culturalism, Judaism, Atheism, the teachings of the Theory of Evolution, and so many different faiths that are supposedly based on Christianity and the Bible, along with other religious works that some claim are as authoritative as the Bible that create pseudo-Christian faiths, it’s no surprise that many in our nation don’t know who God is.
There are a lot of honest seekers of truth, but without guidance and a lot of wisdom, it is easy to become so confused that finding the way to the God of Heaven is an impossibility without aid from a supernatural source.
The one thing that makes the difference is not just my knowledge, or wisdom, in presenting the gospel in my attempts to lead them to Christ. What really makes the difference in leading people to the truth of the gospel is that the Holy Ghost is involved in the process and is He alone who has the power to cut through all the fluff and deceit and reveal himself to their heart.
What a wonderful thing it is to know that the Holy Ghost is with you and involved in the process of driving the message home to the heart of those that you are witnessing to. Where you are weak and frail, He is strong and able to overcome all objections. He will give you wisdom and guidance and will even put the words in your mind and mouth to speak to win a soul! It is Christ in you; and not just you on your own!