
Summary: To discuss a sinner who came to dinner while Jesus ate at a Pharisee’s house. Being reviled by all, full of remorse, she found forgiveness at Jesus’ feet while washing them with her tears and wiping them with her hair. She left restored and forgiven of her sins.



1. She Came to Him Reviled

2. She Bore Her Remorse

3. She Left Him Restored

Introductory Remarks.

1. Today's lesson will discuss a theme: "A Sinner Came To Dinner." This lesson deals with a woman of the city who has many sins, comes to Jesus condemned but shows deep contrition, and is left restored, cleansed (forgiven) of her sins because of the love and compassion of Jesus. This lesson shows how some are indeed burdened by their sins, while others are unaware that they are sinners. Jesus will present a lesson of His love for all sinners and affirm: "Those that are forgiven most will love Him more." We will discuss three points in this lesson. They are,

2. First, we will consider how she came unto Jesus being reviled and scorned by Simon, a Pharisee, and his guest, who had invited Him to dinner: “That He might eat with him.” We do not know how she learned that the Lord was dining at the Pharisees’ house, but she made her way there, appearing unannounced at the house of Simon. Chatter between the Pharisee and his guest indicated she was a sinner. Luke wrote that she was “a woman in the city.” Many Commentaries describe her as a harlot, but I am not sure that is the case. The Pharisees had nothing to do with “publicans and sinners.” And would stay away from them at all costs. Simon, however, did not ask his servants to remove her. I suspect it was because she went immediately to Jesus’ feet and began to wash them. Simon and the other guests looked on, expressing disfavor for the woman and questioning Jesus as a prophet.

3. Second, we will discuss how she bore sincere remorse for her sins. Luke wrote: "She washed his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head." She wept uncontrollably, kissing His feet and anointing them with the fragrant oil she brought for that very reason. Jesus is moved with compassion for her and tells the host a parable of two debtors. When He concluded, he compared her acts of love to the Pharisees. Asking Simon, the host: "If both debtors, one owing 500 pence and the other 50 pence, were forgiven of their entire debt, who would love their master the most?" He replied: “I suppose the one forgiven the most.” Jesus said: “You have answered correctly.” He then begins to apply His parable unto the Pharisee and his guest.

4. Lastly, we will investigate how she left the presence of the Lord restored, being forgiven of her sins and saved by her faith due to her great love for Jesus. Luke wrote: "And Jesus said unto Simon, do you see this woman? I came into your house, but you gave me no water to wash my feet, but she has " bedew them" or washed them with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head; Simon, you did not greet me with a kiss, but this woman has ceased not to kiss them since she came into your house; and Simon, you gave me no oil for my head, but she has anointed my feet with an oil of a lively aromatic fragrant. Therefore, her many sins are forgiven: "She will love me more.” Then He said unto the woman, “thy sins are forgiven thee, thy faith hath saved thee, go, in peace.” And those at dinner said: “Who is this that also forgiveth sins.” This woman came refused by all but left reclaimed and forgiven by the Son of man, who had “power to forgive sins while on the earth; and having the power to forgive sins in heaven while sitting on His throne as our “great high priest,” Hebrews 4:14-16. Let's consider our first point in this lesson, complete with this brief introduction.



A. Jesus’ invited. Luke wrote: “And one of the Pharisees desired that Jesus eat with him. And He went into the Pharisees’ house, and sat down to meat,” Luke 7:36. Apparently, the rift between the scribes and Pharisees was not yet widened, that they could not extend unto Him the courtesy to "dine with them." Although Jesus accepted this invitation, the Pharisees held Him and His work suspiciously! The Master's parable of two debtors will be necessary for Simon and his guests before they can understand Jesus' ministry unto all sinners. Observe,

1. Jesus was always willing to eat with the people. Simon, a Pharisee, invited the Lord to join him for dinner. The Lord accepted his invitation. Christians, too, ought to be men and women of hospitality to one another. Consider,

a. The church leaders are selected based on their love and willingness to: “Be given to hospitality,” 1 Timothy 3:2. Having a mind and disposition of kindness, friendliness, and generosity to all men, especially "unto the household of faith," Galatians 6:9-10. Christians who show a spirit of goodwill and sociableness when welcoming visitors and friends are admirable character traits of their faith.

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Ron Freeman, Evangelist

commented on Oct 11, 2022

This is a lesson of Christ's love, mercy and grace. Ron Freeman, Evangelist.

Ron Freeman, Evangelist

commented on Oct 16, 2022

She brought no exotic dish for the host. She bore only her sins and remorse unto the feet of Jesus. Where she bathes them with her tears, dries them with her hair, kisses them repeatedly, and tenderly anoints them with a precious aromatic oil: which now fills Simon’s house with the scent of spikenard as Jesus sat at meat with the Pharisee and all his other guests.

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