
Summary: The common people helped but not the Nobles. Maybe it wasn’t convenient for them; maybe they didn’t want to dirty their hands; maybe they had what they thought were more important things to do.

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Tekoa: a town in Judah in the wilderness, fortified by Rehoboam. It was the home of the prophet Amos.

They were part of the group helping Nehemiah rebuild the wall.

The common people helped but not the Nobles. Maybe it wasn’t convenient for them; maybe they didn’t want to dirty their hands; maybe they had what they thought were more important things to do; maybe they just want to watch while others did the work. Whatever their reason they did not support the work. They did not put their shoulders or necks into the work. They didn’t strain very much to see that the wall was completed.

The word “Convenient” means, “favorable to one’s comfort; easy to do, use, or get to; handy.”

There are a lot of people who are guilty of having a Tekoite religion or a religion of convenience.

The only time Tekoites are religious is when it is convenient for them, when there is no sacrifice or work involved.

The only time they go to church is when it is convenient, when they don’t have anything else pressing to do on Sunday or Wednesday.

The only time they want to work in church is when it is convenient or when it doesn’t interfere with what they want to do. Tekoites are allergic to sweat.

The only time they read the Bible or pray is when it is convenient, easy to do. You see, it takes a real sacrifice to pray and read the Word. You have to make time and it may not be at a convenient or comfortable time.

I know as much as anyone here today that many if not all of us are busy with the daily routine of life. There are things that we must do, but the one thing that we cannot fail to do is to include God as a part of our daily routine.

Praying should be as natural as brushing our teeth or combing our hair.

Reading God’s Word Should be as natural as eating our meals.

Working for the Lord should be as important to us as our secular jobs.

No! It isn’t always convenient or comfortable to serve God.

Serving God, really serving God involves a sacrifice.

A sacrifice is our giving up something that is precious or important to us to obtain something of higher value. It’s giving up some sleep or TV time to pray and read God’s Word so we can get closer to God.

Sometimes our serving God will cut into our leisure time, time we sit in front of the TV, time we sit back asleep in our recliners, time we just sit and do nothing, time we spend working in the yard.

Serving God doesn’t seem to be a top priority in peoples lives anymore. We only want to serve Him when it is comfortable or convenient for us to do so.

May God restore our passion and excitement to get involved in the greatest work of all, the work of the Kingdom.

Suppose God was like we are and the only time He ever helped us is when it was convenient for Him to do so.

Suppose God said to us, “I’m to busy to listen to you now, I’m involved in a crisis in the Middle East that requires my attention. I’ll get back with you when it is more convenient to do so.” How do you think we would feel? Probably left out, rejected, unloved, and not important at all. How do you think God feels when we don’t have time for Him or His work?

I will agree that many of the things we are involved in are legitimate. They need to be done but where are our priorities. Whatever happened to the element of sacrifice in serving God? We don’t know much about sacrifice in our time. We always want people to give up things to meet our needs but not many are willing to give up things to help meet the needs of the Kingdom.

Just think if Moses would have said, “I’m to busy tending sheep or it’s not convenient for me to go check out that bush that is burning but not being consumed.” Moses would have missed God if he had waited for a more opportune time. Israel would have had to stay in bondage a little longer.

Listen to me! We can’t afford to wait and serve God when it becomes convenient or comfortable for us to do so. Think of all that want be done if we wait until it is convenient to do what God has called us to do. Think of all the people we will fail to minister to if we wait for a more convenient time. Think of all the people that might end up in hell if we wait until a more convenient time.

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