
Summary: Loosing your focus on God, always leads to the enslavement of some kind of sin! And like any other circumstance, if you set up a cot there you’re going to be staying enslaved longer, than you can imagine!

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A Recess Appointment

Does anyone remember when we were children and went to school. By far the best part of the day hands-down was always recess. Sure learning was fun as was sitting next to your best friend.

It didn’t matter what kind of a day you were having, because when recess came everything got better. You forgot all about the struggles of school, the struggles of the bully on the bus, the homework and chores coming later in the day.

Those were definitely good times! Fast forward now to the times that we live in, wow is there a lot to deal with. Times have changed to say the least!

Peace, love and war were the topics then. Today the attitude is, you can find peace as long as your opinion doesn’t differ with mine!

Love is forever, as long as forever is my way and my terms. As the words Irreconcilable differences can magically clear your dating book, if you so choose!

And war has went from different countries with somewhat of a justification or reason for warring against each other, to the citizens of the same country being at war against with each other, for no apparent reason! Other than political!

Peace and love can remain, but only if the war is focused on the right entity!

We read about Gods chosen people and all of the Bible heroes we grew up learning about. People like Sampson, David, Ruth, Elijah and list goes on and on and on.

The people relied on God and took rest in the fact He was there God. The one true God, capable of anything and everything! As acknowledged many times as in the book of Daniel when the king said such.

Yes, many times Kings have been forced to both publicly, as well on their own accord, acknowledged there is only one God!

The same result was realized with the story of Shadrach Meshac and Abendigo! When the king said three men went into the furnace, but now I see the fourth man and he is in the image of God.

Yes throughout the amazing history of Israel, God in fact has showed up so many times, it is impossible to state the number of times accurately! The same could be said of God’s attentiveness in all our lives!

There has never been a time then, or a time now that God’s presence. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, or the angels He has given charge over His people, or His Son Jesus! God not been attentive to the needs and well being of His people.

Hundreds and thousands of years have passed, generations of sons and daughters and God’s commitment of care has never wavered!

Mankind has made good, bad, even terrible choices in the time span of history. Ups, downs, feast, famine, even enslavement and deliverance were experienced.

I wanna stop for just a moment and remind you. This is God’s chosen people we are talking about! Gods chosen, who have had His favor promised to them for everything they attempt!

Although there have been many different covenants, God’s people have always had a covenant with him. Which God has always been bound to and promised to keep!

As long as Israel, like all of us can say about our lives, kept their focus on God, they were successful! All the heroic things which were recorded and the triumphs Gods people overcame, those were all times they kept their focus on God!

Loosing your focus on God, always leads to the enslavement of some kind of sin! And like any other circumstance, if you set up a cot there you’re going to be staying enslaved longer, than you can imagine!

That’s what the plans of the accuser are designed to accomplish. Since the fall from heaven, every plan the accuser has ever come up with has led to the enslavement of sin and misery of people!

And in Israel’s case, they set up a cot long enough in Egypt they ending up building all the Pyramids! So many years of having their focus in the wrong direction and on the wrong entity!

Finally Moses came along and was willing to listen and be obedient to what God’s desire was for His Chosen people!

Now I say this about Gods concern for His children. Because through it all, there has never been one time. God’s focus on the children of Israel or any of God’s people has ever shifted from being chosen, to unchosen!

Joshua 1:9

9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Moses was chosen to lead God’s people out of bondage from Egypt and into the freedom of the Promised land! I’m sure like me, you would’ve thought the choice between enslavement or freedom, would’ve been an easy one!

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