
Summary: Paul was well aware of the transformation that takes place when one receives the gospel message and is saved by the grace of God. Such a transformation produces radical change in the life of the new believer.

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A Noticeable Change

Ephesians 4: 17-24

This has been an informative and challenging study as we have considered the instruction Paul delivered within the fourth chapter of Ephesians. He has dealt with unity within the church, the need for diversity in the midst of unity, and offered valuable insight to maintaining a healthy environment within the body of Christ. Each of these elements are essential if the body is to glorify Christ and function in a way that pleases our Lord.

Paul was well aware of the transformation that takes place when one receives the gospel message and is saved by the grace of God. Such a transformation produces radical change in the life of the new believer. While the battle with the flesh continues as long as one lives, those who have been transformed by the gospel will display a change that is evident for all to see. One cannot come to Christ in salvation apart from this transformation – the old man of sin is crucified and the new believer is resurrected a new creation in Christ; the old has passed away and the new has sprung forth into eternal life.

Our text today deals with the evident contrasts between unbelievers and those who are born again in Christ. As we examine these contrasts, I want to consider: A Noticeable Change.

I. The Reality of the Unbeliever (17-19) – I realize we now live in a “politically correct” society – one where those who hold a different point of view than the main-stream are pressured to conform to the norms of the majority. Paul’s words may not be politically correct by today’s standards, but they are nonetheless theologically sound. He reveals the reality of the unbeliever. He spoke of:

A. Their Emptiness (17) – This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind. As Paul challenged the church to walk differently than other Gentiles (referring to unbelievers,) he revealed their first reality, which stands in contrast to believers. These walk in the vanity of their mind. The word “vain” means empty, futile, senseless, aimless, unsuccessful, worthless.(i) Paul realized these walked within the emptiness of this life in contrast to believers who live in the fullness and anticipation of the future.

It is evident that believers think and reason differently than unbelievers. Our behavior is typically a reaction to the desires of the mind. Mankind tends to act out that which is developed in the mind. Gen.6:5 – And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. What man devised in his heart and mind was carried out in action by the body. The unbeliever does not think on the spiritual and eternal; he dwells on the carnal and temporal – seeking to please the flesh in that moment.

B. Their Blindness (18a, c) – Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart. The unbeliever lacks spiritual understanding due to the blindness of his heart. "The Greek word behind being darkened is a perfect participle, indicating a continuing condition of spiritual darkness. This darkness implies both ignorance and immorality." (ii) These have not been enlightened to the truth of the gospel, or have and rejected its truth, living in spiritual darkness, apart from God. Because of the condition of their heart, lacking spiritual discernment and godly desires, these live in willful sin, determined to satisfy their lustful cravings at all costs.

Unfortunately, we see many each day living in spiritual blindness. They choose their sinful lifestyle, because of the blindness of their heart. The only hope for those whose hearts are blinded to truth is for the Holy Spirit to enlighten them with the truth of the gospel, while willfully turning from their sin and embracing the truth. It is dangerous to neglect the tender pleading of the Spirit. Many have denied and rejected the truth so long that their conscience has been seared and the Lord has turned them over to a reprobate mind.

C. Their Woefulness (18b) – being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them. Paul declared these are alienated from God due to the ignorance that is in them. These are estranged from God, totally and utterly alienated from Him. These do not commune with God; they have no fellowship with Him; their lives are not filled with the Holy Spirit; thus, they have no guide to lead them; they live according to the desires of the flesh rather than the direction of God and the dictates of Scripture.

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