
Summary: We all are accountable for our Stewardship.

Read verses 5-7 and relate, then verse 8 for text.

1. Look to yourselves:

* Examine your own heart: Ask God to allow you to

see yourself as He sees you. Pr.3:5,"...lean not

unto thine own understanding."

* Take stock of your spiritual status: Realize your

maturity in God or the lack thereof.

* Make your election and calling sure: II Tim.1:12,

Paul tells timothy,"I know whom I have believed,

and am persauded that He is able to keep that

which I have committed unto Him against that


* Realize this is an Individual responsibility: We

are accountable for our stewardship.

II Cor. 5:10,"For we must all appear before the

judgment seat of Christ..."

2. Lose not those things that we have wrought:

* This has nothing to do with Salvation: Eph. 2:8-9,

"For by grace are you saved through faith; and

that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:not

of works, lest any man should boast."

Titus 3:5, "But according to His mercy He saved

us..." It is all by the finished work of The Lord

Jesus Christ on Calvary. We didn’t have anything

to do with it! Praise God, I’m glad I didn’t have

anything to do with it, because when I’m involved

in things, they can go wrong!

* Stewardship not Redemption: We are redeemed by

the Blood Covenant, the free gift of God.

Redemption has nothing to do with Stewardship.

Stewardship is the opportunity given us as the

result of Redemption. Its not how much we

do...but how we render it to God. Jesus gives the

example of a cup of water given in His name or in

the name of a prophet, shall not in no wise lose

its reward. James 4:17, " him that knoweth to

do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."

We are Saved to Serve!

3. But that we receive a full reward:

* Reward consist of three levels: Full, Partial,

and Loss of Reward.

Full Reward: Consistent, I Cor. 10:31, Serving

Faithfully. Col. 3:17, "whatsoever ye do in word

or deed, do all in the name of the lord Jesus.

Consecrated: (set apart) Loving God with a full

heart. Fruitful: Ps.126:6, "..he shall come

rejoicing bringing in his sheaves." Jn.15:2,"and

evey branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it,

that it may bring forth more fruit."

* Partial Reward: Is when the believer is

spiritually unmatured, they have not grown in the

knowledge of the truth as God intended for them

too. They have not given God all the glory...We

are to let not the left hand know what the right

hand doeth.

* Loss of Reward:

This is for Unfaithful Stewardship; not doing

what God wanted us to do, and not giving Him all

the glory for what He’s done. Sometimes "we" keep

some of the acknowledged right of what He’s done

as if we did it. I Cor. 3:15, "If any man’s works

shall be burned, he shall suffer loss." This loss

of reward is also of being more carnal than

spiritual: the stewardship is as wood, hay, and

stubble. And because sometimes we are cold and



To receive a Full Reward, God wants:

Our Hearts-yielded unreservedly to Him.

Our Love-all of it, Duet.6:5

Our Members-as instruments of Righteousness,


Our Bodies-as a living sacrifice, Rom.12:1

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