
Summary: When God puts on a parade, we need to pay attention.

Passage: Matthew 21:1-11

Intro: So it’s Thanksgiving week, so what are we doing with the Triumphal Entry?

1. well, what was revealed in that unusual parade is the basis for true thanksgiving.

2. want to be really thankful this season?

3. then let’s stand alongside this parade route and participate in it.

4. and on this side of the cross, and the empty tomb, and with the fullness of Scripture in our hands, our thankful joy will be without limit.

5. because this parade is being organized by none other than God Himself.

II. A Very Clear and Specific Revelation

1. as we have gone thru Matthew, we have seen a certain hiddeness.

2. healed people told to keep it quiet

3. attempts to “write Jesus in” as the king rejected.

4. secret conferences with disciples.

5. but here, Jesus takes charge of a very clear proclamation.

6. ending a long hike of 15 miles from Jericho, 3500 ft elevation change up

PP Mount of Olives view of Jerusalem

8. v1, Jesus sent two disciples…” James and John?

9. “get a donkey with a foal, and bring them to me.”

10. did not need a rest, downhill now.

11. wasn’t going to be a problem with owner, “prearranged.”

12. these preparations done very specifically, to fulfill a very specific prophecy.

13. it was a proclamation of prophetic fulfillment, right from the Bible

14. who is this man riding into town?

15. it is “your king,” but not riding what one might expect.

16. kings ride white horses, not baby donkeys.

17. he comes gently, unpretentiously, because His power is in His character, not in the trappings of power, not in image.

18. God speaks clearly, brothers and sisters. He is in charge of the revelation

19. “I am your king, but not the king you might be expecting”

II. Expectations Can Cloud Our Vision

1. now this revelation was met with an enthusiastic response!

2. finally!! The gloves were coming off!

3. the disciples took some of their clothes and put them like royal robes on the donkey

4. a huge crowd started tearing fronds from the palms and laid them in his pathway.

5. and a cry went up from the cry, spontaneous and God-directed

PP Luke 19:39-40

6. “hosanna”= Save us!

7. but there is no doubt that in a crowd that size, the chant would have different meanings.

8. clearly messianic in expectations

PP Psalm 118:25-26

9. but there was variation within those general Messianic hopes.

10. military takeover, political purge, cleanse religious system, bring economic renewal.

11. expectations clouded by my need right now.

12. most expectations that day too small.

13. and some in that crowd would turn away when their expectations were not met, and their king walked quietly to His death at the hands of the very people they had hoped He would destroy.

14. there is nothing that will quell thanksgiving and joy faster than unrealistic and unbiblical expectations.

15. and these are too small because they typically deal with the temporary and physical, the realm of common grace.

Ill Grudem definition of common grace.

16. it is wonderful, but it comes and goes.

17. and our thankful joy is based on how we answer the next question.

III. Who is This?

1. there is so much to be grateful for in the realm of common grace.

2. nice weather, (it rained in Hawaii)

3. political fortunes, (many are happy these days, others are sad)

4. finances, (if you have a job)

5. sports (bad these days for AZ)

6. health, (maybe, maybe not)

7. but as we stand by the side of the road and wave our branches, our thankful joy comes from who it is that we see.

8. the answer given in v11 to the Jerusalemites was not going to excite anyone.

9. “prophet”, who needs one?

10. from where?? Give me a break!

11. but from where we stand, this side of the cross and the empty tomb, we shout louder and wave our branches until our arms fall off!

PP Revelation 5:12 (on Lion and the Lamb Background)

PP Revelation 19:11-13

PP Revelation 19:16

12. right now He is gentle, riding a donkey, on His way to die.

13. but the One who was willing to ride the donkey on His way to pay for our sins has earned the right to ride the white horse

14. and so as He rides by on the donkey, fall on your face before your king

15. behold your Savior and Your king.

Il) “Amazing love, how can it be. That thou my God should die for me”

Conc. Don’t look for salvation in any other, don’t look for contentment in any thing!

1. if by faith Jesus is your Savior and your king, you are richer than anyone

2. and whatever our situation is, there is true joy and thanksgiving.

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